- download the linux i386 snaphot binary archive sdcc-snapshot-i386-unknown-linux2.5-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2
- unpack the binary archive:
tar -xjvf sdcc-snapshot-i386-unknown-linux2.5-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2
- remove the sdcc/share/doc directory
rm -rf sdcc/share/doc
- remove the sdcc/share/sdcc/doc directory
rm -rf sdcc/share/sdcc/doc
- download the linux i386 snaphot documentation archive sdcc-doc-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2
- unpack the docummentation archive into sdcc/share/sdcc directory
tar -xjvf sdcc-doc-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2 -C sdcc/share/sdcc
- copy INSTALL.txt and README.txt to the sdcc directory
cp sdcc/share/sdcc/doc/INSTALL.txt sdcc/share/sdcc/doc/README.txt sdcc
- create the Linux i386 release archive
tar -cjvf sdcc-x.x.x-i386-unknown-linux2.5.tar.bz2 sdcc
- download the Mac OS X snaphot binary archive sdcc-snapshot-universal-apple-macosx-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2
- unpack the binary archive:
tar -xjvf sdcc-snapshot-universal-apple-macosx-yyyymmdd-xxxx.tar.bz2
- repeat steps from 3 to 7 from linux i386
- create the Mac OS X release archive
tar -cjvf sdcc-x.x.x-universal-apple-macosx.tar.bz2 sdcc
- unpack WIN32 mingw daily snapshot sdcc-snapshot-i586-mingw32msvc-yyyymmdd-rrrr.zip to a clean directory (the option to create directories should be enabled). A sub directory sdcc is created (referenced as PKGDIR in continuation).
- remove the PKGDIR/doc/ directory
rm -rf sdcc/doc/
- unpack sdcc-doc-yyyymmdd-rrrr.zip to the PKGDIR/doc/ directory
- copy files sdcc/support/scripts/sdcc.ico and sdcc/support/scripts/sdcc.nsi (this file) from the sdcc Subversion snapshot to the PKGDIR directory
- copy files COPYING and COPYING3 from the sdcc Subversion snapshot to the PKGDIR directory, rename them to COPYING.txt and COPYING3.txt and convert them to DOS format:
cp <snapshot>/COPYING sdcc/COPYING.txt
cp <snapshot>/sdas/COPYING3 sdcc/COPYING3.txt
unix2dos sdcc/COPYING.txt sdcc/COPYING3.txt
- run NSIS installer from PKGDIR directory:
"c:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DFULL_DOC -DVER_MAJOR=<VER_MAJOR> -DVER_MINOR=<VER_MINOR> \
- A setup file setup.exe is created in PKGDIR directory. Rename it to sdcc-x.x.x-setup.exe and upload it to sdcc download repository at sourceforge.net