- Migrate SDCC from CVS to Subversion (See CVS To Subversion Migration Plan). (DONE)
- Use VPATH functionality for sdcc snapshot builds:
- Sdcc sources are checked out to the shared directory, which is seen from all platforms. This is done on shell.cf.sourceforge.net machine which has a relatively new version of the svn client: 1.2.1. All other machines create local build directories. (DONE)
- Still missing some locking mechanism
- synchronize with latest version GNU libcpp (DONE 2007-06-01 - synchronized with GCC 4.2.0)
- integrate sdcpp into sdcc by using GNU libcpp
- enable use of precompiled headers
- get rid of diagnistic.[ch], pretty-print.[ch], c-pretty-print.[ch], ... used just for error, warning, ... message formatting (DONE)
"warning 120: cannot compile more than one source file. file 'x.c' ignored" <br>
probably the GCC front end can be reused
- use memory buffers instead of temporary files (DONE)
- PIC, PIC16:
- separate device file instead device.c (DONE by Raphael Neider)
- move target specific options from src/SDCCmain.c to src/<target></target>/main.c (DONE 2007-06-18)
- The rule for function names is '<sup>test\w+\(\w+\)' (from support/regression/generate-cases.py), which is not enough flexible by my opinion. Better option would be '</sup>\W*test\w*\W*\(\W*void\W*\)', which allows spaces around the function definition and a void parameter list, optionally surrounded by spaces. (DONE 2007-06-07)
- Run Windows regression test on a Linux machine via Wine (DONE 2010-11-05)
- Run 64bit Windows regression test on a Linux machine via 64bit Wine (DONE 2011-09-01)
- Win32 setup: include library sources (DONE)
- Win64 setup (NSIS): detection if installing on 64bit Windows (2011-09-01 DONE)
- 64bit binaries should be installed to "Program Files" instead if "Program Files (x86)" (2011-09-01 DONE)
- review all SDCC documents:
- sdcc development documentation moved from doc to sdcc wiki (DONE 2011-08-03)
- Find a place where to put SDCC Release Wiki (see https://sourceforge.net/docs/E07/, "Group Directories are Read-Only") WikkiTikkiTavi (DONE)
- Send sdcc-devel mailing list a notification on SDCC Realease Wiki update (DROPPED - it seems that sendig e-mail from php on sdcc web server doesn't work)
- Move the wiki to the SF officially supported wiki when available and rename it to "SDCC Development Wiki" or just "SDCC Wiki" (DONE 2007-06-12)
- add regression test results to the SDCC web page (DONE)
- automatic update from sdcc-web as a part of snapshot build (DONE)
- wiki pages never expire (set $ExpireLen = 0 in tavi/tavi_sdcc/lib/defaults.php) (DONE 2007-03-10)
- integrate SDCC snapshots builds with SourceForge FRS (DONE 2010-08-29)
- Store regression test restlts in the database: (DONE 2011-05-22)
- complete table download in CSV format (DONE 2011-05-22)
- download the full database in compressed format (probably bzip2)
- table download in CSV format, depending on criteria (platform, target, build_number, date, regtest_name) (DONE 2011-05-29)
- displaying regtest results, depending on criteria (platform, target, build_number, date, regtest_name) (DONE 2011-05-29)
- displaying differences between two regression test results (build_number, date), depending on criteria (platform, target, regtest_name) (DONE 2011-06-08)
- colorize the columns from different builds / ports / targets
- colorize the rows where results are different
- on rows where results are different: colorize the cells with max and min values