Get Currency Price History - rosssaunders/FusionLinkDocs GitHub Wiki


Returns the spot history of a currency as a table for the given date range. (Similar to BBG BDH function)


GETCURRENCYPRICEHISTORY(currency, start_date, end_date)

The GETCURRENCYPRICEHISTORY function has the following arguments

  • currency Required. The Currency reference (Accepts either a Currency reference (ISO Code) or a Devise) of the currency.
  • start_date Optional. Start date of the price range.
  • end_date Optional. End date of the price range.


A table array with the following columns

| Date | First | High | Low | Last | Theoretical | Bid | Ask | Volume |


Formula Result
=GETCURRENCYPRICEHISTORY("GBP") An array of spot history
=GETCURRENCYPRICEHISTORY(5045453, "01-JAN-2019", "31-MAY-2019") An array of spot history with the given start and end dates