Add Business Days - rosssaunders/FusionLinkDocs GitHub Wiki


Uses the calendars in FusionInvest to calculate the date offset by the number of days passed in.


ADDBUSINESSDAYS(date, number_of_days, calendar, calendar_type, name)

The ADDBUSINESSDAYS function has the following arguments

  • date Required. The date to add days to.
  • number_of_days Required. The number of business days to add to the date. Can be positive or negative.
  • currency Required. The ISO code of the currency to use.
  • calendar_type Optional. The type of the calendar. Can be "Currency", "Place" or "Market"
  • name Optional. If the calendar_type is "Market" or "Place", this field is required. It is the name of the place or market to use.


Formula Result
=ADDBUSINESSDAYS("23-FEB-2019", 30, "GBP") The calculated date
=ADDBUSINESSDAYS("23-FEB-2019", 30, "GBP", "Place", "Fixed Income") The calculated date
=ADDBUSINESSDAYS("23-FEB-2019", 30, "GBP", "Market", "BOND") The calculated date