netCDF output file contents - rosepearson/GeoFabrics GitHub Wiki

The geofabrics generated by the LidarDemGenerator and BathymetryDemGenerator processing classes are stored as netCDF files. This page describes their contents.

NetCDF file structure

NetCDF is a flexible file format for accessing and storing array-orientated scientific data. It is also defines a community standard (through CF compliance) for sharing scientific data.


Global attributes

The following standard attributes are included: image

And the following custom attribute geofabrics_instruction - A JSON dump of the instruction file used to produce the geofabrics.


Coordinates - x and y

Coordinates used to define the location and coordinate systems associated with the geofabric layers. The x, y define the spatial extents, and the spatial_ref defines the coordinate system in a CF compliant manner.


z or ground elevation layer

The ground elevation as estimated in each pixel.


source_class or source classification layer

The source of the data used to produce an estimate in each pixel. Note is now 'coarse DEM' not 'reference DEM'


zo or roughness length layer

The roughness length (a measure of friction experienced by water as it flows) estimate in each pixel.
