Riverbed Estimation Instructions - rosepearson/GeoFabrics GitHub Wiki

These options control behaviour of the riverbed estimation stage and are all grouped under the rivers key-value.

These values define the river channel of interest and some of its geometric properties.

  • cross_section_spacing [Required float] - The spacing upstream between each sampled cross section.

  • network_id [Required int] - The REC nzsegment reach ID of the river channel's most downstream reach segment.

  • network_file [Required str] - The path to the REC file defining river reaches to use and associated flow and friction information.

  • network_columns [Required dict] - A dictionary of pairing the column names of the network_file to the required keys of id, to_node, from_node, flow, mannings_n, and area.

  • area_threshold {Required float] - Defines the catchment area threshold to stop modelling the river properties below. I.e. only model reaches with catchment areas greater than the threshold.

  • river_corridor_width [Required float] - The width to consider when determining the river width and slope. This defines the width of the DEMs used for determining the river properties.

  • min_bank_height [Required float] - The minimum bank height to try detect. This should be larger than the LiDAR survey vertical precision.

  • max_bank_height [Required float] - The maximum height to detect banks up to before considering them cliffs.

  • veg_lidar_classifications_to_keep [Required list] - A list of integers defining the ground and vegetation classifications. i.e. [2, 3, 4, 5, 9]

  • max_channel_width [Required float] - The maximum expected width of the channel in metres.

  • min_channel_width [Required float] - The minimum expected width of the channel in metres.

  • cross_section_spacing [Required float] - The along channel spacing to estimate river bathymetry at.

  • osm_id [Optional str] - If specified this is used to auto-align the coarse REC channel to the river.

  • osm_date [Optional, str] - If specified this is used in the OSM query for the river channel to query for OSM objects that existed at the specified date. This option is only used if the osm_id is specified. An valid example is 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z.

  • keep_downstream_osm [Optional bool] - If specified and true this means the OSM alignment is used to extend the specified network alignment downstream. It is only used if the osm_id is specified.

  • network_alignment_tolerance [Required if no osm_id, float] - The maximum miss-alignment between the REC defined channel and the actual channel. Required if the osm_id is not provided.

  • width_centre_smoothing [Required if no osm_id, float] - The amount to smooth the estimated aligned channel by.

  • estimate_fan [Required, bool default is True] - If True a fan polygon and set of bed elevations values will also be estimated representing the river mouth as it flows into the ocean.

  • sampling_direction [Optional, int default is -1] - Defines the relationship between the network line segments and the direction they are sampled. -1 means they are sampled from the upstream end to the downstream end.

  • upstream_smoothing_factor [Optional, int default is 25] - Defines the number of adjacent sampled cross sections to smooth the width, threshold and slope between before calculating the depth. The larger the number the greater the smoothing.