Chart of KBox source code - ronzeiller/kbox-firmware GitHub Wiki

(work in progress)


Note that everything here applies to the new version of KBox in the develop branch. Contributors should only take a look at this one. The master branch will be retired soon.

The KBox firmware project contains the source code and build configuration for:

  • The main micro-controller on KBox, also called host. This micro-controller is similar to a Teensy 3.2 and is programmed in C++. The entry-point is src/host/main.cpp.
  • The WiFi module onboard KBox, also called esp. This module is an ESP8266 and is also programmed in C++. The entry-point is src/esp/main.cpp.
  • Tests for KBox. The tests are designed to run on the developer computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). They live in src/test/. Tests are automatically executed on every pull-request and test coverage is automatically measured on every pull-request. It should never go down, always up!
  • The sktool program. This is a command line program to use on Windows/Mac/Linux. It accepts NMEA0183 sentences and NMEA2000 PGNs (in Seasmart format) and will convert them to SignalK using the same code that is used by KBox. This is a great and easy way to test conversions without getting wet.

There are other less important components:

  • The esp-program target is a firmware that you can flash on the main micro-controller and gives you pass-through access to the wifi module. It may be useful sometimes when debugging issues on the wifi firmware.
  • The program automatically runs conversions with sktool and checks the output against what we expect. You can also make it run against the official SignalK tool which is a great way to make sure our tests are correct.
  • tools/nmea-tester/ is a python script to validate and replay NMEA data
  • tools/ws-client/ws-client.js is a very simple websocket client in NodeJS.

SignalK Library

All the logic to store "sailing" data and convert it from and to various formats is contained in the folder src/common/signalk. The idea is that this should become a library in the future and could be used on other projects.

If you want to see what conversions are supported or add new conversions from NMEA2000 or NMEA, you should:

  • Add tests in `src/test/