10. TODO List BE - rolling-scopes-school/RS-Short-Track GitHub Wiki

Folder Name Branch Coefficient
todolist-be todolist-be 1


Your task is to implement an API for managing a to-do list.

Approximate model:

message String required,
completed Boolean,
id String|ObjectId,

Required api:
GET /todos/?(page=1&limit=10) returns all todos
GET /todos/:id return one todo by id
POST /todos creates a todo
PATCH /todos/:id patches todo by id
DELETE /todos/:id deletes todo by id


  1. App should be written using TypeScript.
  2. Logging with some middleware is required.
  3. Cors is required.
  4. Usage of dotenv for configuration is mandatory.
  5. You are supposed to use meaningful HTTP codes.


  1. Use stream for serving data for GET method (30pts)