english words - rohit120582sharma/Documentation GitHub Wiki

accordance - əˈkôrdns - अनुसार

accordance with - के अनुसार
admiration - ˌadməˈrāSHən - प्रशंसा

1. respect and warm approval

1. their admiration for each other was genuine
awesome - ˈôsəm - बहुत बढ़िया

1. extremely impressive; inspiring great admiration

1. their admiration for each other was genuine

conversation - känvərˈsāSHən - बातचीत

1. the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.
comply - kəmˈplī - पालन करना

1. act in accordance with a wish or command.

1. we are unable to comply with your request
confirm - kənˈfərm - की पुष्टि करें
conform - kənˈfôrm - अनुरूप

1. comply with rules, standards, or laws.

conform with - के अनुरूप

Discussion - विचार-विमर्श

1. the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

Excess - ˈekses - अधिक

1. an amount of something that is more than necessary

in excess - अधिक मात्रा में
in excess of - से अधिक

genuine - ˈjenyo͞oin - वास्तविक

1. truly what something is said to be; authentic.

Moniker - ˈmänikər - उपनाम
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