Trees - rohit120582sharma/Documentation GitHub Wiki

A data structure that consists of nodes in a parent / child relationship

Trees are non-linear data structures that contain a root and child nodes

Binary Trees can have values of any type, but at most two children for each parent

Binary Search Trees are a more specific version of binary trees where every node to the left of a parent is less than it's value and every node to the right is greater

We can search through Trees using BFS and DFS


  • Trees
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary Search Trees


  • Root - The top node in a tree.
  • Child -A node directly connected to another node when moving away from the Root.
  • Parent - The converse notion of a child.
  • Siblings -A group of nodes with the same parent.
  • Leaf - A node with no children.
  • Edge - The connection between one node and another.

Lots of different applications!

  • Network Routing
  • Abstract Syntax Tree
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Folders in Operating Systems
  • Computer File Systems

Binary Search Trees

Every parent node has at most two children

Every node to the left of a parent node is always less than the parent

Every node to the right of a parent node is always greater than the parent


  • Create a new node
  • Starting at the root
  • Check if there is a root, if not - the root now becomes that new node!
  • If there is a root, check if the value of the new node is greater than or less than the value of the root
  • If it is greater
    • Check to see if there is a node to the right
    • If there is, move to that node and repeat these steps
    • If there is not, add that node as the right property
  • If it is less
    • Check to see if there is a node to the left
    • If there is, move to that node and repeat these steps
    • If there is not, add that node as the left property
class Node {
		this.value = value;
		this.left = null;
		this.right = null;
class BinarySearchTree {
		this.root = null;
		var newNode = new Node(value);
			this.root = newNode;
			return this;
		var currentNode = this.root;
			if(value === currentNode.value){
			}else if(value < currentNode.value){
					currentNode.left = newNode;
				currentNode = currentNode.left;
			}else if(value > currentNode.value){
					currentNode.right = newNode;
				currentNode = currentNode.right;
		return this;


  • Starting at the root
  • Check if there is a root, if not - we're done searching!
  • If there is a root, check if the value of the new node is the value we are looking for. If we found it, we're done!
  • If not, check to see if the value is greater than or less than the value of the root
  • If it is greater
    • Check to see if there is a node to the right
    • If there is, move to that node and repeat these steps
    • If there is not, we're done searching!
  • If it is less
    • Check to see if there is a node to the left
    • If there is, move to that node and repeat these steps
    • If there is not, we're done searching!
		return null;

	var found = false;
	var currentNode = this.root;
	while(!found && currentNode){
		if(value === currentNode.value){
			found = true;
		}else if(value < currentNode.value){
			currentNode = (!currentNode.left) ? null : currentNode.left;
		}else if(value > currentNode.value){
			currentNode = (!currentNode.right) ? null : currentNode.right;
		return currentNode;

Removing - 0 children

  • Find the parent of the node that needs to be removed and the node that needs to be removed
  • If the value we are removing is greater than the parent node
    • Set the right property of the parent to be null
  • If the value we are removing is less than the parent node
    • Set the left property of the parent to be null
  • Otherwise, the node we are removing has to be the root, so set the root to be null

Removing - 1 child

  • Find the parent of the node that needs to be removed and the node that needs to be removed
  • See if the child of the node to be removed is on the right side or the left side
  • If the value we are removing is greater than the parent node​​
    • Set the right property of the parent to be the child
  • If the value we are removing is less than the parent node
    • Set the left property of the parent to be the child
  • Otherwise, set the root property of the tree to be the child

Removing - 2 children

  • Find the parent of the node that needs to be removed and the node that needs to be removed
  • Find the predecessor node and store that in a variable
  • Set the left property of the predecessor node to be the left property of the node that is being removed
  • If the value we are removing is greater than the parent node​​
    • Set the right property of the parent to be the right property of the node to be removed
  • If the value we are removing is less than the parent node​
    • Set the left property of the parent to be the right property of the node to be removed
  • Otherwise, set the root of the tree to be the right property of the node to be removed

Traversing a Tree

  • Two ways
    • Breadth-first Search
    • Depth-first Search


  • Create a queue (this can be an array) and a variable to store the values of nodes visited
  • Place the root node in the queue
  • Loop as long as there is anything in the queue
    • Dequeue a node from the queue and push the value of the node into the variable that stores the nodes
    • If there is a left property on the node dequeued - add it to the queue
    • If there is a right property on the node dequeued - add it to the queue
  • Return the variable that stores the values
	var node,
	var data = [],
	var queue = [];
		return data;
		node = queue.shift();
	return data;

Depth-First-Search PreOrder

  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values
    • If the node has a left property, call the helper function with the left property on the node
    • If the node has a right property, call the helper function with the right property on the node
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable
  • Return the array of values
// Input: [10, 6, 15, 3, 8, 20]
// Output: [10, 6, 3, 8, 15, 20]
	var data = [];
	function traverse(node){
		if(node.left) traverse(node.left);
		if(node.right) traverse(node.right);
	return data;

Depth-First-Search PostOrder

  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node
    • If the node has a left property, call the helper function with the left property on the node
    • If the node has a right property, call the helper function with the right property on the node
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable
  • Return the array of values
// Input: [10, 6, 15, 3, 8, 20]
// Output: [3, 8, 6, 20, 15, 10]
	var data = [];
	function traverse(node){
		if(node.left) traverse(node.left);
		if(node.right) traverse(node.right);
	return data;

Depth-First-Search InOrder

  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node
    • If the node has a left property, call the helper function with the left property on the node
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values
    • If the node has a right property, call the helper function with the right property on the node
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable
  • Return the array of values
// Input: [10, 6, 15, 3, 8, 20]
// Output: [3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20]
	var data = [];
	function traverse(node){
		if(node.left) traverse(node.left);
		if(node.right) traverse(node.right);
	return data;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️