ES6 ~ Proxy API - rohit120582sharma/Documentation GitHub Wiki

The Proxy object is used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations (e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc).

We use proxies for the intention of blocking direct access to the target function or object.

There are 3 key terms we need to define before we proceed:

  • handler — the placeholder object which contains the trap(s)
  • traps — the method(s) that provide property access
  • target — object which the proxy virtualizes



The proxy object has some traps, handling the access of the target. The traps are the same as the methods used in the Reflect API.

  • apply
  • construct
  • defineProperty
  • deleteProperty
  • get
  • getOwnPropertyDescriptor
  • getPrototypeOf
  • has
  • isExtensible
  • ownKeys
  • preventExtensions
  • set
  • setPrototypeOf


Value validations

let validator = {
	set : (target, prop, value, receiver)=>{
				throw new TypeError('The age is not integer');
			if(value >= 150){
				throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');
		target[prop] = value;
		return true;
let person = {
	name: 'Rohit'
let proxy = new Proxy(person, validator);
console.log(; // Rohit
proxy.age = 100;
console.log(proxy.age); // 100
proxy.age = 'young'; // The age is not integer
proxy.age = 300; // The age seems invalid

Value correction

Property lookup extensions

let handler = {
	get : (target, prop, receiver)=>{
		return (prop in target) ? target[prop] : `Prop doesn't exist`;
let obj = {
	name: 'Rohit'
let proxy = new Proxy(obj, handler);
console.log(; // Rohit
console.log(proxy.salary); // Prop doesn't exist

tracing property accesses

revocable references

implementing the DOM in javascript

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️