DevOps ~ Docker Workflow - rohit120582sharma/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Docker’s typical local workflow allows users to create images, pull images, publish images, and run containers.

  • It basically involves building an image from a Dockerfile that consists of instructions about container configuration or image pulling from a Docker registry, like Docker hub.
  • When this image is built in our Docker environment, we should be able to run the image which further creates a container.
  • These runnable containers can be started, stopped, or restarted just like how we operate a virtual machine or a computer.
  • Whatever manual changes are made in Dockerfile such as configurations or software installations, these changes in a container can be committed to making a new image, which can further be used for creating a container from it later.
  • At last, when we want to share our image with our team or to the world, we can easily push our image into a Docker registry.
  • One can easily pull this image from the Docker registry using the pull command.

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