Pattern Matching - rohgar/scala-principles-1 GitHub Wiki
The task we are trying to solve is find a general and convenient way to access objects in a extensible class hierarchy.
Attempts seen previously:
- Classification and access methods: impractical
- Type tests and casts: unsafe, low-level
- Object-oriented decomposition: does not always work, need to touch all classes to add a new method.
Solution 2: Functional Decomposition with Pattern Matching
Observation: the sole purpose of test and accessor functions is to reverse the construction process:
- Which subclass was used?
- What were the arguments of the constructor? This situation is so common that many functional languages, Scala included, automate it.
Case Classes:
A case class definition is similar to a normal class definition, except that it is preceded by the modifier case.
trait Expr
case class Number(n: Int) extends Expr
case class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
Like before, this defines a trait Expr, and two concrete subclasses Number
and Sum
It also implicitly defines companion objects with apply
object Number {
def apply(n: Int) = new Number(n)
object Sum {
def apply(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) = new Sum(e1, e2)
So you can write Number(1)
instead of new Number(1)
However, these classes are now empty. So how can we access the members?
Pattern Matching
Pattern matching is a generalization of switch
from C/Java to class hierarchies.
It’s expressed in Scala using the keyword match
def eval(e: Expr): Int = e match {
case Number(n) => n
case Sum(e1, e2) => eval(e1) + eval(e2)
// So
eval(4) // will match case Number
eval(4+3) // will match case Sum
- match is followed by a sequence of cases,
pat => expr
. - Each case associates an expression expr with a pattern pat.
- A
MatchError exception
is thrown if no pattern matches the value of the selector.
Forms of Patterns
Patterns are constructed from:
- constructors, e.g. Number, Sum,
- variables, e.g. n, e1, e2,
- wildcard patterns _,
- constants, e.g. 1, true.
More rules:
- Variables always begin with a lowercase letter.
- The same variable name can only appear once in a pattern. So, Sum(x, x) is not a legal pattern.
- Names of constants begin with a capital letter, with the exception of the reserved words null, true, false.
How are Match Expression Evaluated:
An expression of the form
e match { case p1 => e1 ... case pn => en }
matches the value of the selector e
with the patterns p1, ..., pn
in the order in which they are written.
Once the first matching case is found, the whole match expression is rewritten to the right-hand side of where the pattern matches the selector e.
Pattern Matching and Methods
Of course, it’s also possible to define the evaluation function as a method of the base classes or traits in the hierarchy. Example
trait Expr {
def eval: Int = this match {
case Number(n) => n
case Sum(e1, e2) => e1.eval + e2.eval
Bottomline: So here the limitations mentioned at the top of the page are resolved.