Porting - rockcastle/lvgl GitHub Wiki

Written for v5.2

System architecture

System architecture of Littlev Graphics Library


Your application which creates the GUI and handles the specific tasks.


The graphics library itself. Your application can communicate with the library to create a GUI. It contains a HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) interface to register your display and input device drivers.


Besides your specific drivers, it contains functions to drive your display, optionally to a GPU and to read the touchpad or buttons.

There are two typical hardware set-ups depending on the MCU has an LCD/TFT driver periphery or not. In both cases, a frame buffer will be required to store the current image of the screen.

MCU with TFT/LCD driver

If your MCU has a TFT/LCD driver periphery then you can connect a display directly via RGB interface. In this case, the frame buffer can be in the internal RAM (if the MCU has enough RAM) or in the external RAM (if the MCU has a memory interface).

External display controller

If the MCU doesn't have TFT/LCD driver then an external display controller (E.g. SSD1963, SSD1306, ILI9341) has to be used. In this case, the MCU can communicate with the display controller via Parallel port, SPI or sometimes I2C. The frame buffer is usually located in the display controller which saves a lot of RAM for the MCU.


  • 16, 32 or 64 bit microcontroller or processor
  • 16 MHz clock speed
  • 8 kB RAM for static data and >2 KB RAM for dynamic data (graphical objects)
  • 64 kB program memory (flash)
  • Optionally ~1/10 screen sized memory for internal buffering (at 240 × 320, 16 bit colors it means 15 kB)

The LittlevGL is designed to be highly portable and to not use any external resources:

  • No external RAM required (but supported)
  • No float numbers are used
  • No GPU needed (but supported)
  • Only a single frame buffer is required located in:
    • Internal RAM or
    • External RAM or
    • External display controller's memory

If you would like to reduce the required hardware resources you can:

  • Disable the unused object types to save RAM and ROM
  • Change the size of the graphical buffer to save RAM
  • Use simpler styles to reduce the rendering time

Project set-up

Get the library

The Littlev Graphics Library is available on GitHub: https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl. You can clone or download the latest version of the library from here or you can use the Download page as well.

The graphics library is the lvgl directory which should be copied into your project.

Config file

There is a configuration header file for LittlevGL: lv_conf.h. It sets the library's basic behavior in compile time, disable unused modules and features and adjust the size of memory buffers etc.

Copy lvgl/lv_conf_templ.h next to the lvgl directory and rename it to lv_conf.h. Open the file and delete the first #if and the last #endif to enable the content. In the config file comments explain the meaning of the options. Check at least these three config options and modify them according to your hardware:

  1. LV_HOR_RES Your display's horizontal resolution
  2. LV_VER_RES Your display's vertical resolution
  3. LV_COLOR_PETH 8 for (RG332), 16 for (RGB565) or 32 for (RGB888 and ARGB8888).


In order to use the graphics library you have to initialize it and the other components too. To order of the initialization is:

  1. Call lv_init()
  2. Initialize your drivers
  3. Register the display and input devices drivers in LittlevGL. (see below)

Porting the library

To adopt LittlevGL into your project firstly you have to provide some functions and register them in the graphics library.

Display interface

To set up a display an lv_disp_drv_t variable has to be initialized:

lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv;
lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); /*Basic initialization*/
disp_drv. ...=...; /*Initialize the fields here. See below.*/
disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); /*Register the driver in LittlevGL*/

You can configure the driver for different operation modes. To learn more about the drawing modes visit Drawing and rendering.

Internal buffering (VDB)

The graphics library works with an internal buffering mechanism to create advances graphics features with only one frame buffer. The internal buffer is called VDB (Virtual Display Buffer) and its size can be adjusted in lv_conf.h with LV_VDB_SIZE. When LV_VDB_SIZE > 0 then the internal buffering is used and you have to provide a function which flushes the buffer's content to your display:

disp_drv.disp_flush = my_disp_flush;
void my_disp_flush(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, const lv_color_t* color_p)
    /*TODO Copy 'color_p' to the specified area*/
    /*Call 'lv_fluh_ready()' when ready*/lv_flush_ready();

In the flush function, you can use DMA or any hardware to do the flushing in the background, but when the flushing is ready you have to call

Hardware acceleration (GPU)

First of all using GPU is totally optional. But if your MCU supports graphical acceleration then you can use it. The mem_blend and mem_fill fields of the display driver is used to interface with a GPU. The GPU related functions can be used only if internal buffering (VDB) is enabled.

disp_drv.mem_blend = my_mem_blend;     /*Blends two color arrays using opacity*/
disp_drv.mem_fill = my_mem_fill;       /*Fills an array with a color*/
void my_mem_blend(lv_color_t* dest, constlv_color_t* src, uint32_t length, lv_opa_t opa)
  /*TODO Copy 'src' to 'dest' but blend it with 'opa' alpha */

void my_mem_fill(lv_color_t* dest, uint32_t length, lv_color_t color)
  /*TODO Fill 'length' pixels in 'dest' with 'color'*/
Unbuffered drawing

It is possible to draw directly to a frame buffer when the internal buffering is disabled (LV_VDB_SIZE = 0).

disp_drv.disp_fill = my_disp_fill;/*Fill an area in the frame buffer*/
disp_drv.disp_map = my_disp_map;/*Copy a color_map (e.g. image) into the frame buffer*/
void my_disp_map(int32_t x1,int32_t y1,int32_t x2,int32_t y2,constlv_color_t* color_p)
  /*TODO Copy 'color_p' to the specified area*/

voidmy_disp_fill(int32_t x1,int32_t y1,int32_t x2,int32_t y2,lv_color_t color)
  /*TODO Fill the specified area with 'color'*/

Keep in mind this way during refresh some artifacts can be visible because the layers are drawn after each other. And some high-level graphics features like anti-aliasing, opacity or shadows aren't available in this configuration.

If you use an external display controller which supports accelerated filling (e.g. RA8876) then you can use this feature in disp_fill()

Input device interface

To set up an input device an lv_indev_drv_t variable has to be initialized:

lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv;lv_indev_drv_init(&indev_drv);  /*Basic initialization*/
indev_drv.type =.../*See below.*/
indev_drv.read =.../*See below.*/
lv_indev_drv_register(&indev_drv);  /*Register the driver in LittlevGL*/

type can be LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER (e.g touchpad or mouse), LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD (e.g. keyboard), LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER (left, right, push) or LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON (external buttons pressing the screen)
read is a function pointer which will be called periodically to report the current state of an input device. It can also buffer data and return false when no more data to be read or true when the buffer is not empty.

To learn more about input devices visit Input devices

Touchpad, mouse or any pointer

indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER;
indev_drv.read = my_input_read;

The read function should look like this:

bool my_input_read(lv_indev_data_t*data)
    data->point.x = touchpad_x;
    data->point.y = touchpad_y;
    data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR or LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
    return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/

IMPORTANT NOTE: Touchpad drivers must return the last X/Y coordinates even when the state is LV_INDEV_STATE_REL.

Keypad or keyboard

indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD;
indev_drv.read = my_input_read;

The read function should look like this:

bool keyboard_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
  data->key = last_key();
    data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;
    data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
  return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/

To use a keyboard:

  • Register a read function (like above) with LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD type.
  • USE_LV_GROUP has to be enabled in lv_conf.h
  • An object group has to be created: lv_group_create() and objects have to be added: lv_group_add_obj()
  • The created group has to be assigned to an input device: lv_indev_set_group(my_indev, group1);
  • Use LV_GROUP_KEY..._ to navigate among the objects in the group

Visit Touchpad-less navigation to learn more.


indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER;
indev_drv.read = my_input_read;

The read function should look like this:

bool encoder_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
  data->enc_diff = enc_get_new_moves();
    data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;
    data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;

  return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/

To use an ENCODER, similarly to the KEYPAD, the objects should be added to groups


indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON;
indev_drv.read = my_input_read;

The read function should look like this:

bool button_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
    /*Chahck and save the buttons state in a bitfield*/
    uint8_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < BTN_NUM; i++) {
        data->btn &= (~(1 << i));         /*Clear the bit*/
        if(btn_is pressed(i)) data->btn |= (LV_INDEV_STATE_PR << i);
        else data->btn |= (LV_INDEV_STATE_REL << i);
    return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/
  • The buttons need to be assigned to pixels on the screen using lv_indev_set_button_points(indev, points_array). Where points_array look like const lv_point_t points_array[] = {{12,30},{60,90}, ...}

Tick interface

The LittlevGL uses a system tick. Call the lv_tick_inc(tick_period) function periodically and tell the call period in milliseconds. For example if called in every milliseconds: lv_tick_inc(1).

Task handling

To handle the tasks of LittlevGL you need to call lv_task_handler() periodically in one of the following:

  • while(1) of main() function
  • timer interrupt periodically
  • an OS task periodically

The timing is not critical but is should be about 5 milliseconds to keep the system responsive.

Using with an operating system

LittlevGL is not thread-safe by default. Despite it, it's quite simple to use LittlevGL inside an operating system.

The simple scenario is to don't use the operating system's tasks but use lv_tasks. An lv_task is a function called periodically in lv_task_handler. In the lv_task you can get the state of the sensors, buffers etc and call LittlevGL functions to refresh the GUI. To create an lv_task use: lv_task_create(my_func, period_ms, LV_TASK_PRIO_LOWEST/LOW/MID/HIGH/HIGHEST, custom_ptr)

If you need to use other task or threads you need one mutex which should be taken before calling lv_task_handler and released after it. In addition, you have to use to that mutex in other tasks and threads around every LittlevGL (lv_...) related code. This way you can use LittlevGL in a real multitasking environment. Just use a mutex to avoid concurrent calling of LittlevGL functions.

Porting example

Here you will find an example porting code: Porting tutorial.