Templates - robotframework/RIDE GitHub Wiki


WARNING! This feature is deprecated and therefore not supported anymore in any way.


Custom test data templates are designed to solve two problems:

  • Allow different styles for the created HTML-files
  • Preserve content outside of test data tables when file is modified with RIDE

Defining templates

Here is an example template:

<meta name="rf-template" content="True" />
<!-- CONTENT -->
<!-- CONTENT -->
<table id="settings" border="1">
<!-- CONTENT -->
<table id="variables" border="1">
<!-- CONTENT -->
<table id="testcases" border="1">
<!-- CONTENT -->
<table id="keywords" border="1">
<!-- CONTENT -->

<!-- CONTENT --> designates any content outside the test data tables, and every such section is written as they were when the file is saved.

Using templates

RIDE default template

If not told otherwise, RIDE will use it's own default template for saving files. This template is included in the source code, in file src/robotide/writer/htmltemplate.py.

User defined default template

There is also a possibility to use [Settings] for defining a default template, the setting name is default template. This setting must be an absolute path to a valid, existing template file.

Using file as its own template

Any test case file can be modified to be its own template. This is useful in cases, where there are existing files with content outside the tables that needs to be preserved. To make any file a template, following line must be added inside head -tag in the HTML source:

<meta name="rf-template" content="True" />

Additionally, the tables that contain Robot Framework test data must be given ids, like this:

<table id="settings">
<table id="variables">
<table id="testcases">
<table id="keywords">

The tables may have additional attributes, but the ids are necessary for the file to be recognised as a template.

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