How to Report Issues - robolectric/robolectric GitHub Wiki

How to Report Issues


The Robolectric Github repository issue tracker is not a support forum. The issues it contains are known issues with Robolectric and tracks enhancement requests, for people working directly with source code. Please search existing issues (including closed ones) before submitting new reports.

Please remember that the more specific the information you can provide in your issue report, the easier it is for maintainers to investigate (and consequently the more likely it is to get the attention of a maintainer to investigate it). The following is an indicative (but by no means exhaustive) guide as to the kind of information that is useful.

Before reporting any issues

  • Use Google to search for your your failed test or stacktrace
  • Use StackOverflow
  • Search existing issues in the issue tracker
    • If you find an existing issue that looks identical to yours, add any additional information that you might have to the existing issue rather than raising a new issue (eg, if the original issue was raised against a particular version of Robolectric and you have the same issue against a different version of Robolectric).
    • Even if you don't have any new information to add to the existing issue, feel free to do a simple +1 post. If the maintainers can see that a particular issue is affecting a lot of people they are more likely to prioritize it. Obviously there are limits to this and if there are already a hundred +1s then the 101st is more likely to be annoying than helpful, but if there are only one or two then having a few more gives a good indication that the issue is more widespread.
  • When researching, keep track of what you find, links to other sites as well as related issues, and include these in your issue report.

General Outline

  • A title that summarizes the specific problem
  • A meaningful summary
    • Include as many details about the issue as possible
    • Include stacktraces
  • Robolectric version against which the issue is being reported
    • Provide the release version if working with release jars in Maven Central (eg, 2.4, 3.0-rc2, 3.0-rc3 etc).
      • Additionally provide the Git revision number if you're working with your own build.
    • If you know that this is a regression (ie, the same code used to work in an earlier version of Robolectric), then this is also helpful for the maintainers to know.
      • More bonus points if you can identify the particular Git revision and/or pull request where the regression was introduced.
  • Android version(s) (eg @Config(sdk = 16))
  • Reproduction steps
    • Example code (implementation and Robolectric test when applicable)