Weekly Milestone & Status Meeting - robertAHC/SSW695_Lost-Found GitHub Wiki

Timeline and Milestones

This page briefly describes what is to be expected during the current week. The team will get together and discuss how each other can participate and help move forward with the project.

Week 1

The team came up with potential project ideas, and each idea was discussed and presented for a vote.

Week 2

After discussing which project the team would like to work on, the project that came up with the most points was the (Lost and Found) project. See HOME for more details. Afterward, each member of the team shared the prominent roles each one would like to lead.

Week 3

The team created the Project Kickoff document, where the team briefly shared and described what the project was going to be about to the stakeholder. In addition, the team created a brief project presentation to share with the stakeholder and the other teammates what this project would be about.

Week 4

The team was able to meet, and the following tasks were done successfully:

  1. Created the Sprint planning.
  • The team was able to discuss/create the preliminary user's stories.
  • Todo: The goal for this week is to assign the leading role for the user stories expected to be completed on this sprint.
  1. Defined the project architecture
  • The team developed a preliminary architecture showing both the High-level context diagram and the Container diagram.
  • Architecture Link

Week 5 - Start of Sprint 1

The team was able to accomplish the following:

  • Set up Postgresql database with AWS.
  • Configured pgAdmind to be able to connect the database created.
  • Created a preliminary front-end template.
  • Designed a basic database architecture so that the team can start creating some back-end templates to manipulate the data.

Week 6 - Mid of Sprint 1

Week 7 - End of Sprint 1 & Start of Sprint 2

Week 8 - Mid of Sprint 2

Week 9 - End of Sprint 2 & Start of Sprint 3

Week 10 - Mid of Sprint 3

Week 11 - End of Sprint 4 & Start of Sprint 4

Week 12 - Mid of Sprint 4

Week 13 - End of Sprint 4

Week 14 - Final Presentations