Ideas - robbob42/bobidle GitHub Wiki


Add a # badge next to menu icons to denote new seeds, resources, etc. This needs to be a function that updates these numbers if the user isn't on that tab. Once the user clicks on the tab, the numbers go away.

Come up with a way to skip the gameplay and go straight to a section of the game (for testing code)

Need a .favicon

Have some sort of place where you can see every seed that's been planted so far, and ? placeholders for the undiscovered seeds

Breeding Tab? Resource 1 + Resource 2 = Resource 3. Valid breeding produces a new seed (radish + radish = radish lv.2 seed). Invalid breeding only produces a combo resource (pear + apple = pearple, but no pearple seed)

Cooking Tab? In the beginning, you can sell advanced food for more money? Later, food can be eaten for upgrades?

Planting coins is active play (makes more money)

Planting radishes and then selling them is passive play (each radish worth a lot of $$, but takes a long time to grow

Next step after this is to figure out how to automate this. Automation produces money and plants slowly. Active play produces money and plants quickly.

The Why: Need to add a display somewhere "You have grown (x)% of all the things". Modify the game to show which seeds have been grown so far.


Highlight the selected tab in some way

Every Entity needs a display name for the message box

Message box needs a revamp - not sure, but I don't like it

Need a better way to distinguish between entity types in message box (already sending entity type to the message box. use that?)

When a seed or resource count change, emit a 'change count!', then have update inventory and update resources fire based on that emit

Get the Buy icons to work in the Market Buy Tab

Get the Sell icons to work in the Market Sell Tab

Market Tab Seed

  • produces the market
  • also produces a market tab upgrade seed (v.1)

Market Tab Upgrade Seed (v.1)

  • produces a sell tab in the market
  • also produces a market tab upgrade seed (v.2)

Market Tab Upgrade Seed (v.2)

  • produces a buy tab in the market
  • buy tab shows all the seeds you can buy (only a radish in the beginning)

Bottom Tabs

  • X Put a placeholder under garden that will fill space when counter is not active
  • X Refactor bottom tabs: use Material Navigation component.
  • X Finish designing: have a header within each content: Inventory/Resources/etc..
  • X Move design over to JS Features Class
  • X Have the top-half div be just enough size for the garden. Have the bottom half div stretch to fill in the rest.

Fix dumb border on button select.

Clicking on an item selects it. Clicking on that same item again deselects it.

Money Tab Seed

  • produces a money tab for the inventory
  • also produces a coin seed
  • also produces a market tab seed

Inventory Seed

  • produces an inventory with a seed tab
  • also produces a resource tab seed

Resource Tab Seed

  • produces a resource tab for the inventory
  • also produces a radish plant {R}
  • also produces a money tab seed

X Refactor counter logic to be gooder

X Move message box to top – add ‘unselect’ button to message box

X Handle logic for when a completed seed is clicked

X Create a seed type for inventory

  • Has to unlock lower half and give a radish seed