vim Notes - robbiehume/CS-Notes GitHub Wiki
- Mapping explanations
- vim reference guide (intro)
- vim reference guide (normal mode)
- Moving around in normal mode: link1, link2
- VSCode vim: medium article, GitHub README page
- Vue / VSCode with vim: link
- vim registers
Comment multiple lines:
- Ctrl+V to enter 'visual block mode, then select first character of lines you want to comment out
- Shift+i to enter INSERT mode, then type #
- Then hit ESC
Find and replace (like Ctrl-D in VScode)
- Find and replace instructions
- Find and replace details
- Search for a word, highlight and delete it, then replace it, enter Normal mode and press
to replace the next occurrence - Can press
to go to the next highlighted occurrence and skip the current one without replacing it
Find and replace current or multiple lines (Link)
Current line:
Current line and n-1 lines after:
s/<search_term>/<replace_term>/g n
Range of lines:
start_line_number, end_line_number s/<search_term>/<replace_term>/g
Copy lines without line numbers (due to mouse=a not allowing copy select):
- Hold Alt and start selecting from the beginning of line (for Mac, use Ctrl instead)
- Or Shift+Alt on Windows?
- Or just turn off line numbers (
:set nonu
)- Add
shortcuts in vimrc
- Add
To paste with mouse=a
(or Shift-<mouse scroll wheel click>)
Save and run script: :w|!%:p
Stop and resume vim:
* Stop: Ctrl-Z
* Resume: fg
To 'unset' an option, just do :set <option>!
Replace all tabs with spaces: :%retab
* Must have: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 ai
To indent multiple lines: enter visual mode then select the lines the do >
* Can do 2>
or any other number to do multiple tabs
* Can also just do 2>>
(no visual mode) to tab 2 lines starting from the current one (current + next)
(in normal mode): insert before the first non-blank character of the line -
(in normal mode): forward delete one character and enter insert mode -
(in normal mode): go to next occurrence of word -
(in insert mode): paste from vim register -
".[p / P]
(in normal mode): paste last inserted text -
x / X
(in normal mode): delete one character forward / back and stay in normal mode -
: record keystroke to get exact key binding- Example: converts "Ctrl-S" to "^S"
- Move between tabs: link
: see the current values of all the registers
: move between windows -
: set window sizes equal - When
:set mouse=a
is set, you can use the mouse to move the divider