IDE Notes - robbiehume/CS-Notes GitHub Wiki

VS Code


  • Top VSCode shortcuts
  • Press F2 to do a refactor of all of that word (as if you were to do Ctrl/Cmd + D and select all one by one)
  • Alt+Z: toggle word wrap

HTML/CSS & JavaScript

  • If you type doc then hit tab, it will import boilerplate HTML template
  • Live server to view immediate page changes
    • Right-click on the code and then select Open with Live Server
    • If you want to view it within VS Code, then type Cmd-Shift-P, then select Simple Browser: Show, and then go to the Live Server URL

Useful extensions

  • Live Server
  • Vetur for Vue syntax
  • Material Icon Theme by Philipp Kief: shows icons next to files depending on the file type



  • If you type sout and hit enter, it will add a System.out.println(); command