General Programming Notes - robbiehume/CS-Notes GitHub Wiki

Business logic vs Application logic

  • Business logic: the logic created to satisfy the requirements of the user / customer
    • Ex: customer can only withdraw X amount of money at a time
  • Application logic: all other logic
    • Ex: clicking a button opens a page to make a withdraw

Data encoding formats

Character Encodings

Feature UTF-8 ASCII
Character Set Variable length: 1-4 bytes per character (Unicode); it's a superset of ASCII 128 characters: Standard English letters, digits, symbols, and control characters
Encoding Efficiency Efficient for most languages; 1-4 bytes per character Efficient for English; 1 byte per character (7-bit)
Readability High readability (supports all Unicode characters) High readability for English; limited by 128-character set
Use Cases Web content, text files, modern software; universal standard for text encoding Legacy systems, older protocols, some control characters in data transfer
Decoding Complexity Decoded natively by most systems and applications Simple decoding; supported universally
Example "Hello world" remains "Hello world"; emojis like 😊 use multiple bytes "Hello world" in ASCII is "Hello world"

Binary-to-Text Encodings

Feature Base64 Hexadecimal (Base16)
Character Set 64 characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, / 16 characters: 0-9, A-F
Encoding Ratio 4:3 ratio (increases size by ~33%) 2:1 ratio (doubles the size)
Space Efficiency Less space-efficient than binary but more efficient than Hex (33% overhead) Less space-efficient (100% overhead)
Readability Low readability (mix of letters, digits, symbols) Medium readability (only digits and letters)
Use Cases Transmitting binary data over text-based protocols (HTTP, email), embedding data in web pages (data URLs), APIs Debugging, representing binary data, cryptographic hashes
Decoding Complexity Requires Base64 decoding; moderate complexity Simple decoding; can be done manually
Padding Uses = padding to ensure length is a multiple of 4 No padding required
Supports Binary Data Yes, converts binary data to ASCII Yes, converts binary data to ASCII
Example SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= for "Hello world" 48656C6C6F20776F726C64 for "Hello world"

Security Encodings

Feature URL Encoding HTML Encoding
Use Cases Ensures safe transmission of special characters in URLs and web forms Prevents XSS attacks and ensures correct display of special characters in web content
Character Set Percent encoding: 0-9, A-F for encoded characters HTML entities: <, >, &, etc.
Encoding Impact Increases size based on encoded characters (e.g., space%20) Slightly increases size due to encoded characters (e.g., <&lt;)
Readability Low readability for URLs with many encoded characters like %20 Medium readability; encoded entities are human-readable but can clutter text
Example "Hello world" becomes Hello%20world in URL encoding <div>Hello & welcome!</div> becomes &lt;div&gt;Hello &amp; welcome!&lt;/div&gt;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️