C & Cpp Notes - robbiehume/CS-Notes GitHub Wiki


Compiling Process (PCAL)

  • PCAL steps
    • Preprocessing
    • Compiling
    • Linking
    • Assembly
  • To compile and get executable:
    • C: gcc, C++: g++
    • g++ <file_name1> <file_name2> ... -o <executable_name>
    • clang is another compiler that can be used. It uses CMake
    • Joe recommends CMake (he says its the latest and greatest)

Make & makefiles

  • Allow you to just compile parts you want to
  • Structure:
    • <target>: <dependencies>


  • Determines what pieces of a large program need to be re-compiled, and issue the commands necessary to recompile them
  • It's typically used to build executable programs and libraries from source code




  • A pointer contains the starting memory address of the data it points to

  • Address operator (&) is used to get the address of a variable

    • &var
  • Declare a pointer with *

    • int *ptr or int* ptr
  • Assigning address to pointer variable

    • ptr = &var
  • Dereferencing a pointer

    • When * is used outside of variable declaration, it means dereferencing the pointer
    • *ptr // means the value at the address that ptr points to
    • When dereferencing a pointer, it looks at the type of pointer to know how many bytes from the base address to retrieve
  • Pointer arithmetic:

    • Can add / subtract integers to/from a pointer to access different memory addresses
    • Whatever integer is added/subtracted, multiply it by the size of the pointer type
    • Ex: int ptr equals contains 1000
      • ptr = ptr + 1 // ptr now equals 1004: 1000 + (1 * sizeof(int))
    • p[1] is equivalent to *(p+1); both get the value of the 2nd element
    • &p[1] is equivalent to p+1; both get the memory address of the 2nd element
  • Double pointers (pointer to a pointer):

    • Use cases
    • A pointer itself occupies a memory address, so you can have another pointer that points to it
    • An example use would be if you wanted an array of char *
    • Not really needed in C++?

Types of argument passing

  • Pass by value
    • Changes made by the function have no effect on value of the original argument from the calling function
    • definition: func(int x)   call: func(x)
  • Pass by reference (C)
    • Addresses of variables are passed so that changes are made to the original argument variable
    • definition: func(int *x)   call: func(&x) or func(ptr) (where ptr is a pointer to x)
  • C++
    • Pass by pointer vs reference
      • Pass by reference is preferred, unless specifically needing to use a pointer
    • Pass by address / pointer: same as pass by reference in C
    • Pass by reference:
      • In C++, you can add a & to a function definition parameter and it will create a reference to the variable passed and any changes will change the original variable
      • Essentially get to have the capability of pass by pointer, but in a cleaner / easier way where you don't have to do any pointer dereferencing
      • If passing an rvalue (see rvalue vs rvalue below), must add const in front of parameter type (const QString& s)
        • The benefits of using the reference are to avoid unnecessary copying and construction of temporary values
    • int i = 2;
      func(i); // after this i will be changed to 5
      func(int& i){
          i = 5; // don't need to dereference like with a pointer (*i = 5)

Arrays vs pointers (link)

  • When an array is passed to a function, it just passes the pointer to the first element
  • A few differences of arrays vs pointers
    • sizeof(arr) returns the total size of the elements in the array; sizeof(ptr) returns the size of the pointer itself
    • arr is an alias for &arr[0] (address of the first element of the array); &ptr returns the address of the pointer variable itself
    • char arr[] = "abc" sets first 4 elements in arr to 'a','b', 'c', and '\0'
      • char *ptr = "abc" sets pointer to address of the "abc" string (which may be stored in read-only memory and thus unchangeable
  • Initializing an array:
    • On the stack: int arr[n];
      • Will be deleted once the calling function ends (goes out of scope)
    • On the heap: int* arr = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
      • Will stay around until deallocated with free()
      • Preferred way unless you know the array size is small or you only need it for a short period of time


Virtual functions

  • Virtual function: a member function that is declared in the base class and overridden by a derived class
    • Pure virtual function: means it can't be defined in the parent but has to be defined in any child subclass
  • They ensure the correct function is called for an object, regardless of the type of reference (or pointer) used for function call
  • Note: only need to add the virtual keyword to the function in the base class, not any derived classes
    • Can add the override keyword to the derived function to ensure no mistakes are made (link)

lvalue vs rvalue: link

  • lvalue: something that points to a specific memory location
  • rvalue: something that doesn't point anywhere
  • In general, rvalues are temporary and short lived, while lvalues live a longer life since they exist as variables
    • Another way to think about it is lvalues as containers and rvalues as things contained in the containers
  • Ex: int x = 2;
    • 2 is an rvalue; a number has no specific memory address except for a temporary register
    • x is an lvalue; a variable has a specific memory location and allows for things like int* y = &x

explicit identifier

Copy Constructor

  • A copy constructor is a member function that initializes an object using another object of the same class
    • In simple terms, a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously is known as a copy constructor
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