Meeting 05 Minutes - rimi303/SoftwareEngineeringProject GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 06-January-2022

Attendees: Dilara Dola (295),Rimi Akter(303),

Jannatul Mawa (1943), Uzma Hassana Hanian (2521), Tania Rahman (2594)

Start Time: 9:30 PM

End Time: 10:30 PM


Finally again and again work through that we have planned sequentially.

Javadoc is selected as a tool.


Final coding standards had been selected again the same as the previous updated one, already uploaded on github.

Came up with at least one Documentation Tool(JavaDoc).

   Action                                                 Allocated members 
   Research Coding Standards                              Rimi, Hanian 
   Documentation Tool                                     Dola, Mawa,Tania Rahman