Meeting 04 Agenda - rimi303/SoftwareEngineeringProject GitHub Wiki

Meeting Agenda

Date/Location: 23-December-2021 at 06:00 PM over Zoom meeting.

Information Updates/Reminders

  • Revision the previous tasks and discussion about progress of everyone own task. Please again remember, the next few days, we are going to work on Sprint-1 and also to do overviewing on User-story confirmations, Coding standard and documentation.
  • Everyone should be able to use Android Studio(Java framework), Firebase site and revising the git, github wiki’s, Trello, Slack.

Decisions Needed

  • Decision about the Sprint-1 that the team will do in the project. Selecting individual feature and work accordingly. Everyone should implement the allocated feature of the system gradually. *Also exploring more and more the Android Studio tool and Firebase site (for purposes) that the team will use in the project.

General Items

  • Full project we will implement on Java based framework like Android Studio.
  • We have to individual branch on github. Then final version will be uploaded on main branch! .
  • Have github wiki pages to document project details. But needed now and details working for Sprint-1.
  • Allocate one/two team members to check these tools and templates.
  • All members have to explore best using software tool and maintain the tool easily and smartly.