SYS 265 - richiedennis/Tech-Journal-SYS265- GitHub Wiki

9/7/2020 Lab 00:

In our first setup lab, we worked on setting up the virtual machines we would be using for the semester on Champlain's Viewportal. This started by configuring a pfsense firewall. ( This required editing the WAN and LAN IPs and a few other things explained in the link. Once that is done the firewall should be able to successfully execute a ping. NOTE: All the VMs were run with the Network Adapter 1 set as LAN, except for the firewall which was run on Network Adapter 2 Then we go onto the Workstation and create a new local admin account. ( Then it was as simple as setting a static ip as well as a netmask, gateway, and dns. Finally, give the system a hostname. Then browse online to the Lan Interface of the firewall and login with admin/pfsense. Follow the wizard to configure Pfsense. Next, we went on to configure the active directory. Using the sconfig command we were able to change the network settings to our liking. Then a few commands were necessary to install the active directory on the server core.

  1. Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
  2. Install-ADDSForest -DomainName yourname.local Then all it took was joining the Workstation to the domain. Finally we configured MGMT01. Start by using sconfig again to set up the Network address, gateway, dns, and a few other things. Reboot and log into the domain. Add File Service Tools for mgmt01 and then add ad01 to the managed servers. Create a normal user and a domain admin to the Domain Users and then create Forward Lookup and Reverse Lookup Zones (A and PTR records) for all the vms.

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