Processes - richiedennis/Tech-Journal-SYS265- GitHub Wiki

Deconfigure DHCP Failover

  1. Open up the DHCP console
  2. Expand the IPv4 section and right click the scope and click Deconfigure Failover.
  3. Ignore Warnings and click OK Link:

Remove Any DNS Records

  1. Open up the DNS Manager
  2. Open up the Forward Lookup Zones
  3. Delete all the AAA records
  4. Delete all the PTR records in Reverse Lookup Zones as well

Remove Machines From Domain

  1. Go into the VMS
  2. Make sure to delete the DNS ( as well as the domain name (richard.local) from all of them

Export any Docker Images

  1. Find the IDs of the container that you want to move
  2. Run the following commands to save the image to a new image and then save it to a file
  • docker commit 3a096b2588478 newimage
  • docker save newiamge > /tmp/newimage.tar
  • docker load < /tmp/newimage.tar

Backup VM configurations: Link: