ble - rhaidiz/bettercap GitHub Wiki

This module is responsible for Bluetooth Low Energy devices discovery.


command description
ble.recon on Start Bluetooth Low Energy devices discovery.
ble.recon off Stop Bluetooth Low Energy devices discovery. Show discovered Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
ble.enum MAC Enumerate services and characteristics for the given BLE device.
ble.write MAC UUID HEX_DATA Write the HEX_DATA buffer to the BLE device with the specified MAC address, to the characteristics with the given UUID.


Connect, enumerate and read characteristics from the BLE device 04:52:de:ad:be:ef:

> ble.enum 04:52:de:ad:be:ef

Write the bytes ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff to the BLE device 04:52:de:ad:be:ef on its characteristics with UUID 234bfbd5e3b34536a3fe723620d4b78d:

> ble.write 04:52:de:ad:be:ef 234bfbd5e3b34536a3fe723620d4b78d ffffffffffffffff

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