Walkthrough: Obtaining the Tools - rg2/jhmr-v2 GitHub Wiki

Although it is planned for compiled binaries to be available for download, the only current mechanism to obtain the software is to download the code and compile it. The main repository readme provides details on building the software. In order to better follow the walkthrough when compiling from source, it is suggested to run the install target (e.g. make install , ninja install , etc.) and add the executable directory to your path. This will enable the commands from the walkthrough to be mostly cut-and-pasted.

Each program typically provides a command line interface for specifying input/output data and processing parameters. A general description of what each program does, along with a detailed description of the parameter flags and positional arguments may be obtained by passing the help flag (--help or -h). If you are following this walkthrough on a machine with multiple GPUs and need to select a specific device, see the following page for details on selecting processing backends and devices.