Remotes and API Endpoints - revaturelabs/revoverflow-frontend GitHub Wiki
The following is a list of the current remotes and the API Endpoints they send requests to.
Login Remote -
- POST to http://localhost:8080/login : checkLoginCredentials
- GET to http://localhost:8080/ : getUserById
Question Remote -
- POST to http://localhost:8080/questions : postQuestion
- POST to http://localhost:8080/answers : postAnswer
- GET to http://localhost:8080//questions?&size=${size}&page=${page} : getAllQuestions
- GET to http://localhost:8080//questions/user/${id}?size=${size}&page=${page} : getQuestionByUserId
- GET to http://localhost:8080/questions/questions/status/false?size=${size}&page=${page} : getUnconfirmedQuestions
- GET to http://localhost:8080/questions/id/${id} : getQuestionByQuestionId
- PUT to http://localhost:8080/questions : updateQuestionAcceptedAnswerId
- PUT to http://localhost:8080/questions/status : updateQuestionStatus
Answer Remote -
- GET to http://localhost:8080/answers/user/${id}?size=${size}&page=${page} : getAnswersByUserId
- GET to http://localhost:8080/answers/id/${id} : getAnswerByAnswerId
- GET to http://localhost:8080/answers/${id}?size=${size}&page=${page} : getAnswersByQuestionId