database backup and recovery strategy - restarone/violet_rails GitHub Wiki

So you accidentally deleted something, and need it back. Follow the steps below to restore from a snapshot, export missing data and restore it to the production instance.

Step 1

Find the latest snapshot

Screenshot from 2023-10-11 17-55-51

Step 2

Select the snapshot and click on "restore snapshot" Screenshot from 2023-10-11 17-55-58

Step 3

Now you have a DB instance that has the latest snapshot (that hopefully contains the data you are missing) Screenshot from 2023-10-11 17-56-19

Step 4

Connect to it with PG admin and navigate to the database, schema and table you need. Select backup. Make sure to save the backup in a place you can find Screenshot from 2023-10-11 17-56-32

Step 5

Connect to the production database, select the schema and table you need, select restore Screenshot from 2023-10-11 17-56-46