Mounting Box in Linux using davfs2 - research-technologies/hull_provisioning GitHub Wiki
Instructions to Install and configure davfs2 on Ubuntu for box
Section Mounting Box (davfs2)
page printed to usingBoxUnderLinux-mountWithDavfs.pdf
Install davfs2
sudo apt-get install davfs2
Create a folder to mount box
mkdir /home/username/box
Add the group davfs2 to the user
sudo usermod -a -G davfs2 username
login and logout for this to be recognized
Add the "use_locks 0" configuration option to /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf.
sudo vim /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
# search for the line use_locks (likely commented). Copy the line, remove the comment and set the value to 0
# save the file
Add the following entry to /etc/fstab that looks like this
sudo vim /etc/fstab /home/username/box davfs rw,user,noauto
Copy the /etc/davfs2 directory to .davfs2 in your home directory.
sudo cp -r /etc/davfs2 ~/.davfs2
sudo chown -R username:username ~/.davfs2
Create a file called 'secrets' in ~/.davfs2/
vim ~/.davfs2/secrets
Add just one line to the file of the format box_user_email box_password
Note: For the box_password, do not use the sso password of the account, but create an external password.
Ref: for instructions
Page printed to CreateExternalPassword.pdf
Set the permissions on the secrets folder
chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets
Mount the box folder
mount /home/username/box
To unmount:
fusermount -u /home/username/box