Design memo - renesas/rx72n-envision-kit GitHub Wiki


  • This section describes the design philosophy of RX72N Envision Kit initial firmware and the information necessary to customize initial firmware enabling users to conduct their original experimentation.

A person who are writing a memo

System design

  • RX72N basic information
    • Link to data sheet and hardware manual
  • RX72N Envision Kit basic information
    • System block diagram
    • Link to circuit diagram
  • About the mechanism of Bootloader/firmware update which are the basic part of the system.
  • System for screen display block
    • Summarize emWin
  • Device driver
    • Introduce RX Driver Package

Memory map

  • Data flash: RX72N MCU specifications
 +---------------------------------+ 0x00100000 +
 |                                 |            |
 |       user area                 |   <32KB>   | 
 |                                 |            |
 +---------------------------------+ 0x00108000 +
  • Data flash:Memory map definition with RX72N Envision Kit initial firmware
                                                                             (section name)
+---------------------+---------------------------------------+ 0x00100000 + C_BOOTLOADER_KEY_STORAGE
|  const data of      | root/integrity check keys             |   <1KB>    | 
|  boot loader        +---------------------------------------+ 0x00100400 + C_BOOTLOADER_KEY_STORAGE_MIRROR
|                     | root/integrity check keys mirror      |   <1KB>    | 
+---------------------+---------------------------------------+ 0x00100800 + C_PKCS11_STORAGE
|                     | Amazon FreeRTOS PKCS const data       |   <8KB>    | 
|  const data of      +---------------------------------------+ 0x00102800 + C_PKCS11_STORAGE_MIRROR
|  user application   | Amazon FreeRTOS PKCS const data mirror|   <8KB>    | 
|                     +---------------------------------------+ 0x00104800 + C_SYSTEM_CONFIG 
|                     | System Config Data                    |   <6KB>    | 
|                     +---------------------------------------+ 0x00106000 + C_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MIRROR
|                     | System Config Data mirror             |   <6KB>    | 
|                     +---------------------------------------+ 0x00107800 +
|                     | free area for user application        |   <2KB>    | 
|---------------------+---------------------------------------+ 0x00108000 +
  • Code flash: RX72N MCU specifications
 +---------------------------------+ 0xFFC00000 +
 |                                 |            |
 |       temporary area            |  <2048KB>  | bank1
 |                                 |            |
 +---------------------------------+ 0xFFE00000 +
 |                                 |            |
 |       execute area              |  <2048KB>  | bank0
 |                                 |            |
 +---------------------------------+ 0xFFFFFFFF +
  • Code flash:Memory map definition with RX72N Envision Kit initial firmware
 +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ 0xFFC00000+-------+
 |                      |                      |  header              | <768B>    |       |
 |                      |  buffer              +----------------------+ 0xFFC00300|       |
 |  temporary area      |                      |  contents            | <~1791KB> | bank1 |
 |                      +----------------------+----------------------+ 0xFFDC0000|       |
 |                      |  Bootloader(mirror)  |  contents            | <256KB>   |       |
 +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ 0xFFE00000+-------+
 |                      |                      |  header              | <768B>    |       |
 |                      |  user application    +----------------------+ 0xFFE00300|       |
 |  execute area        |                      |  contents            | <~1791KB> | bank0 |
 |                      +----------------------+----------------------+ 0xFFFC0000|       |
 |                      |  Bootloader          |  contents            | <256KB>   |       |
 +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ 0xFFFFFFFF+-------+

Operation difference between initial firmware and after updating

  • Initial firmware
    • Sports game has been installed in the execute area.
    • Benchmark has been installed in the temporary area.
    • Both benchmark and sports game have a bank swap function, enabling to boot the both areas
    • Bootloader takes on the responsibility of integrity check mechanism after updating as well as bank swap for restoration in the case of installing fraudulent firmware or when necessary.
  • Firmware after updating
    • A user application of any version has been installed in the execute area.
    • Temporary area is a blank state.
    • A user application of any version has an update function. Install the new user application in the temporary area when updating.
    • Bootloader takes on the responsibility of integrity check mechanism after updating as well as bank swap for restoration in the case of installing fraudulent firmware or when necessary.
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