1 SDHI SD Card Driver Filesystem_ - renesas/rx72n-envision-kit GitHub Wiki


  • Communicate with SD mode micro SD card via FAT file system "TFAT" with SDHI.
  • During micro SD card insertion, turning the LED on and off. During the removal, turn off the LED.
  • After inserting micro SD card, automatically creates folder and file on micro SD card.

Things to prepare

  • Indispensable
    • RX72N Envision Kit × 1 unit
    • USB cable (USB Micro-B --- USB Type A) × 1
    • Windows PC × 1 unit
      • Tools to be installed in Windows PC
        • e2 studio 2020-07 or later
          • Initial booting sometimes takes time
            • CC-RX V3.02 or later
    • micro SD card (Any of SD, SDHI, or SDXC standard) × 1


Check circuit

  • Micro SD slot is connected to MCU via SDHI interface.
  • In RX72N Envision Kit, the following signals and ports are assigned to micro SD slot.
  • RX72N Envision Kit uses power management circuit and controls the power supply output with MCU to protect 3.3V power supply output to SDHI from overload and short circuit.
    • In this circuit, the signal line for power supply output is P42_SD_ENABLE(assigned to port 42)

Set driver software/middle software with Smart Configurator (SC)

Check BDF

Add component

Set component


  • Perform SDHI related settings
    • Use SDHI channel0
  • Perform Setting to use SDHI related pins
    • Use CLK, CMD, CD, WP, D0, D1, D2, D3 pins

      • :point_right: [Supplement] Although WP pin is not installed in RX72N Envision Kit, perform the setting to use it.


  • None


  • Perform the setting of SD mode SD card control realted.
    • How to check protocol status:Hardware interrupt, Data transfer method:Software transfer


  • Perform setting of TFAT driver I/F related
    • The number of drive which is used for SD card:1, The driver which is used for SD card:Drive 0
      • :point_right: [Supplement] TFAT can connect up to10 media such as SD card/USB memory/eMMC card/Serial Flash memory(Reference


  • None


  • No problem with the default setting


  • No problem with the default setting

Pin setting

  • Since RX72 MUC assigns multiple functions to one pin, you have to perform the setting of which function to be used with software.

  • When using BDF of RX72N Envision Kit, the setting has been already performed. You don't need to perform it.

    • :point_right: [Supplement] However, although WP pin is not installed in RX72N Envision Kit, perform the setting to use it.

Generate code

Coding of user application block

All the source code

  • Describe all the source codes of rx72n_envision_kit.c below (To be explained later)
#include "platform.h"
#include "r_smc_entry.h"
#include "r_sdhi_rx_pinset.h"
#include "r_cmt_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sys_time_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sdc_sd_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sdc_sd_rx_config.h"
#include "r_tfat_driver_rx_config.h"


typedef enum{
    ON_PROCESS, /* Prevent from processing another task */
} app_status_t;

uint8_t g_drv_tbl[TFAT_SDMEM_DRIVE_NUM];
uint32_t g_sdc_sd_work[TFAT_SDMEM_DRIVE_NUM][50];
app_status_t g_app_status = NO_INITIALIZED;
uint8_t g_oneshot_timer_flg = 0;
const uint8_t data_to_write[PERFORMANCE_MESUREMENT_DATA_SIZE] =
    0x52, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x73, 0x61, 0x73, 0x0a,
}; /* 8 bytes data: Renesas\n */

void main(void);
static void initialize_sdc_demo (void);
sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sd_cd_callback (int32_t cd);
void set_status_sdc_detection(void);
void card_detection(void);
void process_on_sdc_insertion (void);
void process_on_sdc_removal (void);
void initialize_sdc_on_insertion (uint32_t sdc_no);
void deinitialize_sdc_on_insertion (uint32_t sdc_no);
sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sd_callback (int32_t channel);
void tfat_sample (void);
sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_init(uint32_t card_no);
sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_on(uint32_t card_no);
sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_off(uint32_t card_no);
sys_time_err_t wait_milliseconds (uint32_t interval_milliseconds);
void set_oneshot_timer_flg (void);
static void error_trap_r_sdc_sd (uint32_t sdc_sd_card_no);
void blink_LED(void);

void cmt_1us_callback(void *arg);
void _1us_timer_reset(void);
void _1us_timer_stop(void);
void _1us_timer_start(void);
uint32_t _1us_timer_get(void);

uint32_t _1us_timer;
volatile uint32_t _1us_timer_flag;

void main (void)
	uint32_t cmt_channel;

    /* Initialize for this demo program */
    R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(1000000, cmt_1us_callback, &cmt_channel);

    /* Process tasks by a current status */
    while (1)
        switch (g_app_status)
        case NO_INITIALIZED:
        case IDLE:
        case ON_PROCESS:

static void initialize_sdc_demo (void)
    uint32_t cmt_channel;
    SYS_TIME sys_time;
    sdc_sd_status_t sdc_sd_status = SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

    /* Initialize global variables for this demo */
    g_app_status = NO_INITIALIZED;
    g_oneshot_timer_flg = 0;

    /* Initialize pin settings for SDHI.
     * This function is generated by SDHI FIT's pin settings of the Smart Configurator */

    /* System timer settings */
    sys_time.year = 2020;
    sys_time.month = 1;
    sys_time.day = 1;
    sys_time.hour = 0;
    sys_time.min = 0;
    sys_time.sec = 0;
    R_SYS_TIME_SetCurrentTime( &sys_time);

    /* SD card driver Initialization */
    sdc_sd_status = R_SDC_SD_Open(SDC_SD_CARD_NO0, SDHI_CH0, &g_sdc_sd_work[SDC_SD_CARD_NO0]);
    if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS != sdc_sd_status)
        /* Function error_trap_r_sdc_sd() can not called because R_SDC_SD_GetErrCode initially needs R_SDC_SD_Open */
        printf("ERROR: R_SDC_SD_Open. Error code (sdc_sd_status_t) is %d.\n", sdc_sd_status);
        while (1)

    /* Register callback when SD card is inserted/removed */
    sdc_sd_status = R_SDC_SD_CdInt(SDC_SD_CARD_NO0, SDC_SD_CD_INT_ENABLE, r_sdc_sd_cd_callback);
    if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS != sdc_sd_status)

    /* Setting of internal timer of SD card driver */
    R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(1000, (void (*) (void *)) R_SDC_SD_1msInterval, &cmt_channel);

    /* Table between SD card number of SD card driver and dirve number of TFAT */
    g_drv_tbl[SDC_SD_CARD_NO0] = TFAT_DRIVE_NUM_0;

    /* Set status to check the SD card insertion/removal every 10 ms,
     * then process file system tasks when occurring SD card's insertion */
    if (SYS_TIME_SUCCESS == R_SYS_TIME_RegisterPeriodicCallback(set_status_sdc_detection, 1))
        printf("!!! Ready for this demo. Attach SD card. !!!\n");
        g_app_status = IDLE;

sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sd_cd_callback (int32_t cd)
    sdc_sd_status_t sdc_sd_status = SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

    sdc_sd_status = R_SDC_SD_CdInt(SDC_SD_CARD_NO0, SDC_SD_CD_INT_DISABLE, 0);
    if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS != sdc_sd_status)
    return SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

void set_status_sdc_detection (void)
    if (IDLE == g_app_status)
        g_app_status = REQUEST_SDC_DETECTION_TASK;

void card_detection (void)
    static sdc_sd_status_t sdc_sd_card_detection = SDC_SD_ERR;
    static sdc_sd_status_t previous_sdc_sd_card_detection = SDC_SD_ERR;

    g_app_status = ON_PROCESS;

    sdc_sd_card_detection = R_SDC_SD_GetCardDetection(SDC_SD_CARD_NO0);
    if (previous_sdc_sd_card_detection != sdc_sd_card_detection)
        previous_sdc_sd_card_detection = sdc_sd_card_detection;

        if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS == sdc_sd_card_detection)
            /* Detected attached SD card */
            printf("Detected attached SD card.\n");
            g_app_status = REQUEST_SDC_INSERTION_TASK;
            /* Detected detached SD card */
            printf("Detected detached SD card.\n");
            g_app_status = REQUEST_SDC_REMOVAL_TASK;

    else /* if (previous_sdc_sd_card_detection != sdc_sd_card_detection) */
        g_app_status = IDLE;

void process_on_sdc_insertion (void)
    g_app_status = ON_PROCESS;

    /* SD card initialization */

    /* Start of blinking LED per 500 ms */
    R_SYS_TIME_RegisterPeriodicCallback(blink_LED, 50);

    /* Process file system tasks */
    if (TFAT_DRIVE_NUM_0 == g_drv_tbl[SDC_SD_CARD_NO0])

    /* SD card de-initialization */

    printf("!!! Detach SD card !!!.\n");
    g_app_status = IDLE;

void process_on_sdc_removal (void)
    g_app_status = ON_PROCESS;


    /* End of blinking LED */
    PORT4.PODR.BIT.B0 = 1; /* LED off */

    g_app_status = IDLE;

void initialize_sdc_on_insertion (uint32_t sdc_no)
    sdc_sd_status_t sdc_sd_status = SDC_SD_SUCCESS;
    sdc_sd_cfg_t sdc_sd_config;

    R_SDC_SD_IntCallback(sdc_no, r_sdc_sd_callback);
    sdc_sd_config.mode = SDC_SD_CFG_DRIVER_MODE;
    sdc_sd_config.voltage = SDC_SD_VOLT_3_3;
    sdc_sd_status = R_SDC_SD_Initialize(sdc_no, &sdc_sd_config,
    if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS != sdc_sd_status)

void deinitialize_sdc_on_insertion (uint32_t sdc_no)
    sdc_sd_status_t sdc_sd_status = SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

    sdc_sd_status = R_SDC_SD_End(sdc_no, SDC_SD_MODE_MEM);
    if (SDC_SD_SUCCESS != sdc_sd_status)

sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sd_callback (int32_t channel)
    return SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

void tfat_sample (void)
    const char *drv0 = "0:";
    const char *path_fld = "0:FLD";
    const char *path_txt = "0:FLD/TEXT.TXT";
    uint8_t drv_no = TFAT_DRIVE_NUM_0;
    FRESULT rst;
    UINT file_rw_cnt;

    printf("Start TFAT sample.\n");

    /* Mount the file system (Note delayed mounting) */
    rst = f_mount( &g_fatfs[drv_no], drv0, 0);
    if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: Drive mount.\n");

    /* Create the directory */
    rst = f_mkdir(path_fld);
    if (FR_EXIST == rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: Directory \"FLD\" is already existing.\n");
    else if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: Directory creation.\n");

    /* Create the file to be written */
    rst = f_open( &g_file[drv_no], path_txt, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
    if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: File creation and open.\n");
    /* Complete file open */

    /* Copy the contents to the newly created file */
    rst = f_write( &g_file[drv_no], (void *) data_to_write, sizeof(data_to_write), &file_rw_cnt);
    if (rst != FR_OK || file_rw_cnt < sizeof(data_to_write))
        printf("TFAT Error: File writing operation.\n");
    /* file write complete */
	printf("file write %d bytes takes %d us, throughput = %f Mbps\n", sizeof(data_to_write), _1us_timer_get(), (float)((sizeof(data_to_write) * 8) / (float)((float)_1us_timer_get() / (1000000))/1000000));

    /* Close the file */
    rst = f_close( &g_file[drv_no]);
    if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: File close.\n");

    /* Create the file to be written */
    rst = f_open( &g_file[drv_no], path_txt, FA_READ);
    if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: File creation and open.\n");
    /* Complete file open */

    /* Read the contents from the file */
    rst = f_read( &g_file[drv_no], (void *) data_to_read, sizeof(data_to_read), &file_rw_cnt);
    if (rst != FR_OK || file_rw_cnt < sizeof(data_to_read))
        printf("TFAT Error: File reading operation.\n");
    /* file write complete */
	printf("file read %d bytes takes %d us, throughput = %f Mbps\n", sizeof(data_to_write), _1us_timer_get(), (float)((sizeof(data_to_write) * 8) / (float)((float)_1us_timer_get() / (1000000))/1000000));

    /* Close the file */
    rst = f_close( &g_file[drv_no]);
    if (FR_OK != rst)
        printf("TFAT Error: File close.\n");

    printf("End TFAT sample.\n");

sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_init (uint32_t card_no)
    if (SDC_SD_CARD_NO0 == card_no)
        PORT4.PMR.BIT.B2 = 0x00;
        PORT4.PCR.BIT.B2 = 0x00;
        PORT4.PODR.BIT.B2 = 0x00;     /* SDHI_POWER off */
        PORT4.PDR.BIT.B2 = 0x01;
    return SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_on (uint32_t card_no)
    /* ---- Power On ---- */
    if (SDC_SD_CARD_NO0 == card_no)
        PORT4.PODR.BIT.B2 = 0x01;     /* SDHI_POWER on */
        if (1 == PORT4.PODR.BIT.B2)
            /* Wait for the write completion */

    /* ---- Supplies the Power to the SD Card and waits for 100 ms ---- */
    if(SYS_TIME_SUCCESS != wait_milliseconds(100))
        return SDC_SD_ERR;

    return SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

sdc_sd_status_t r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_off (uint32_t card_no)
    /* ---- Power Off ---- */
    if (SDC_SD_CARD_NO0 == card_no)
        PORT4.PODR.BIT.B2 = 0x00;     /* SDHI_POWER off */
        if (1 == PORT4.PODR.BIT.B2)
            /* Wait for the write completion */

    /* ---- Stops the Power to the SD Card and waits for 100 ms ---- */
    if(SYS_TIME_SUCCESS != wait_milliseconds(100))
        return SDC_SD_ERR;

    return SDC_SD_SUCCESS;

sys_time_err_t wait_milliseconds (uint32_t interval_milliseconds)
    sys_time_err_t sys_time_err = SYS_TIME_ERR_BAD_INTERVAL;
    uint32_t interval_10milliseconds;

    if (1 == g_oneshot_timer_flg)
        return sys_time_err;
    interval_10milliseconds = interval_milliseconds / 10;
    sys_time_err = R_SYS_TIME_RegisterPeriodicCallback(set_oneshot_timer_flg, interval_10milliseconds);
    if (SYS_TIME_SUCCESS != sys_time_err)
        return sys_time_err;
    while(0 == g_oneshot_timer_flg)
    sys_time_err = R_SYS_TIME_UnregisterPeriodicCallback(set_oneshot_timer_flg);
    g_oneshot_timer_flg = 0;
    return sys_time_err;

void set_oneshot_timer_flg (void)
    g_oneshot_timer_flg = 1;

static void error_trap_r_sdc_sd (uint32_t sdc_sd_card_no)
    sdc_sd_status_t err_code;

    err_code = R_SDC_SD_GetErrCode(sdc_sd_card_no);

    R_SDC_SD_Log(0x00000001, 0x0000003f, 0x0001ffff);

    printf("ERROR: error code (sdc_sd_status_t) is %d.\n", err_code);
    while (1)

void blink_LED(void)
    if(PORT4.PIDR.BIT.B0 == 1)
        PORT4.PODR.BIT.B0 = 0;
        PORT4.PODR.BIT.B0 = 1;

void cmt_1us_callback(void *arg)

void _1us_timer_reset(void)
	_1us_timer = 0;

void _1us_timer_stop(void)
	_1us_timer_flag = 0;

void _1us_timer_start(void)
	_1us_timer_flag = 1;

uint32_t _1us_timer_get(void)
	return _1us_timer;

Check operation

!!! Ready for this demo. Attach SD card. !!!
Detected attached SD card.
Start TFAT sample.
TFAT Error: Directory "FLD" is already existing.
file write 20480 bytes takes 5802 us, throughput = 28.238539 Mbps
file read 20480 bytes takes 3368 us, throughput = 48.646080 Mbps
End TFAT sample.
!!! Detach SD card !!!.

main() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • Initialize demo program initialize_sdc_demo()
    • Loop which separates the execution processing according to the state of the application.

initialize_sdc_demo() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • Initialize SDHI pin
    • Initialize r_sys_time_rx
    • Initialize SDHI power supplying pin r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_init()
    • Initialize r_sdc_sdmem_rx
    • Register the function to require SD card insertion and removal status check set_status_sdc_detection() on Cycle Execution Handler R_SYS_TIME_RegisterPeriodicCallback().
      • :point_right: [Supplement] Up to 30 function pointers can be registered in R_SYS_TIME_RegisterPeriodicCallback()
    • Another initialization processing

card_detection() function

  • Execute the following processing(Executed during REQUEST_SDC_DETECTION_TASK status)
    • Check the status of SD card insertion and removal

process_on_sdc_insertion() function

  • Execute the following processing (Executed during REQUEST_SDC_INSERTION_TASK status)
    • Initialize the SD card connection after the SD card insertion initialize_sdc_on_insertion()
    • Start turning on and off the LED
    • Utilize the file system tfat_sample()
    • End SD connection deinitialize_sdc_on_insertion()

initialize_sdc_on_insertion() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • Turn on the SDHI power supply r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_on()
    • Initialize the SD card R_SDC_SD_Initialize()

tfat_sample() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • Utilize the file system
      • Mount f_mount()
      • Create folder f_mkdir()
      • Open file f_open()
      • Write file f_write()
      • Close file f_close()

deinitialize_sdc_on_insertion() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • End the SD connection R_SDC_SD_End()

process_on_sdc_removal() function

  • Execute the following processing (Executed during REQUEST_SDC_REMOVAL_TASK status)
    • Turn off the SDHI power supply r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_off()
    • End turning on and off the LED

r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_init()、r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_on()、r_sdc_sdmem_demo_power_off() function

  • Execute the following processing
    • Initialize to supply power for SDHI and turn on/off power supply

blink_LED() function

  • Execute the following processing

Additional information

It's preferable to connect USB memory/eMMC card/Serial Flash memory

  • TFAT supports not only SD card but also the following storage media.
    • USB memory
    • eMMC card
    • Serial Flash memory
  • Change the following to connect the USB memory
    • :point_right: [Supplement] Demo project(Target board:Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX72M) can be downloaded from the webpage below Open source FAT File system M3S-TFAT-Tiny module Firmware Integration Technology
      • Set TFAT driver FIT component
        • Number of USB drivers1 - 10(The number of USB memories which you want to connect at the same time)
        • Memory Drive xUSB
      • Set USB basic FIT component
        • USB operating mode settingUSB Host mode
        • Device class settingHost Mass Storage Class
        • USB0_VBUSEN pinUse
        • USB0_OVRCURA pinUse
      • Set USB pin
        • USB0_OVRCURAP14
        • USB0_VBUSENP16
  • Change the following to connect the eMMC card
    • Set TFAT driver FIT component
      • Number of MMC drivers1 - 10(The number of eMMC cards which you want to connect at the same time)
      • Memory Drive xMMC
    • (Under construction)
  • Change the following to connect the Serial Flash memory
    • Set TFAT driver FIT component
      • Number of Serial FLASH drivers1 - 10(The number of Serial Flash memories which you want to connect at the same time)
      • Memory Drive xSerial FLASH
    • (Under construction)
  • TFAT can connect one to 10 media (software specifications) such as SD card, USB memory and eMMC card at the same time.
    • Change the following to connect at the same time
      • TFAT FITのffconf.h
        • FF_VOLUMES1 - 10(The number which you want to connect at the same time)
      • Set TFAT driver FIT component
        • Number of xxx drivers1 - 10(The number of storage media which you want to connect at the same time)
        • Memory Drive xUSBSD memory cardMMCUSB mini, orSerial FLASH (Storage media which are linked to drives)
        • The following is a setting example to connect two USBs and one SD card at the same time
    • In the future, Serial Flash memory will be able to be connected at the same time, too.

It's preferable to use FAT file system with real time OS (RTOS)

  • TFAT supports FreeRTOS and RI600V4(μITRON for Renesas RX family)
  • Enable to easily create FreeRTOS and the project which supports RI600V4 SC from e2 studio
    • Select RTOS which you want to use from the pulldown menu when generating the project.
      • Only in the case in which RI600V4 has been installed, RI600V4 can be selected.

It's preferable to use Long Filename format of FAT file system

  • TFAT is set in Short Filename format(SFN) which is also called 8.3 format by default.
    • SFN(8.3 format)
      • Up to 8 bytes for the part other than "." and extension. Up to 3 bytes for extension
      • Lower case letters are converted into uppercase.
    • LFN
      • In FAT file system, the maximum length of the file name is 250 letters (maximum length of the path is 259 letters)
      • Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Change the following source code to enable LFN
    • TFAT FITのffconf.h
      • Any of FF_USE_LFN123
      • Any of FF_MAX_LFN12~255(However, basically you can use default, 255

It's preferable to use RTC rather than CMT to obtain date in file system

  • Although RX72N Envision Kit does not install RTC, introduce as reference information.
  • By embedding RTC FIT module into the project using SC, you can change from CMT to RTC easily.
  • Just change the following part of source code. (Operation has not been checked)
    • get_fattime()ofr_tfat_drv_if.cof TFAT driver FIT function
      • Change to obtain date by using the API of RTC FIT module instead of system timer Fit module
    • initialize_sdc_demo()ofrx72n_envidion_kit.c function
      • Initialize RTC FIT module instead of system timer FIT module.

It's preferable to obtain correct date via network

  • Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is used as a method to obtain the correct date.
  • Refer to AWS project demo for how to obtain date from NICT Time Server using SNTP.
    • sntp_task()ofsntp_task.c


  • R_CMT_CreatePeriodic() 1st argument unit is Hz, this argument upper limit is different for each MCUs
  • So please adjusting by changing 1000000 -> 100000 (unit 1us -> 10us) for porting from this page's sample code to RX65N board etc.