1 Ether TCP IP_ - renesas/rx72n-envision-kit GitHub Wiki

Things to prepare

  • Indispensable
    • RX72N Envision Kit × 1 unit
    • USB cable (USB Micro-B --- USB Type A) × 2
    • LAN cable x 2
    • Router which can be connected to the internet (Support Ethernet connection) x 1 unit
    • Windows PC × 1 unit


Features of TCP/IP M3S-T4-Tiny for the embedded

  • Lightweight TCP/IP protocol stack which runs on the OS-less environment
    • Runs with around 20KB ROM, around several KB RAM and one timer
  • The writer developed from scratch
  • The development started in 2003.
  • Commonly called "T4"
  • Supported R8C, H8, M16C, SH2A and so on in the past, and RX as of 2020.
  • The source code is stored in the following webpage. (It is like a spaghetti code now due to repeated rebuilding, so I want to rebuild it, but have not had no opportunity to do so.)
  • Installed in many mass-produced products centering on RX family
  • If using OS environment, we recommend using TCP/IP stack provided by OS vendors such as FreeRTOS by AWS and so on.
    • Now, FreeRTOS includes not only the kernel of the real time OS, but also various protocols, which are required to AWS connection including TCP/IP stack, SSL and MQTT.
    • Patch is provided appropriately for the latest vulnerability, too. See the following webpage.
  • This TCP/IP traces the vulnerability and provide the patch as much as possible, but can not trace with as large scale as AWS.
    • Accordingly, we recommend that the system which uses this TCP/IP should be limited on LAN communication without connecting to the internet.

How to connect

RX72N ENvision Kit ----(LAN cable)---Router which can be connected to the internet
 |(USB(ECN1, CN8))                        |
PC---------------(LAN cable)------------+

Check circuit

    • EtherC/EDMAC is connected with Media Independ Interface(MII) which combines 8 data signal lines of ET0_ETXD0-3(transmit), ET0_ERXD0-3(receipt), two transfer clock of transmit and receipt, ET0_TX_CLK and ET0_RX_CLK each and control signal such as ET0_TX_EN, as shown in the above circuit, PC4/ET0_TX_CLK~PC3/ET-INTn.
    • The signal of MII is connected to PHY chip (KSZ8041NL)
    • Other than the signal stipulated by MII, the following is connected.
      • P56/CLKOUT25M: A clock which is provided from RX72N to PHY chip. 25MHz is supplied.
        • In MII, 25MHz is transfer clock and transfer 4 bit per 1 clock by four data lines for transmit and receipt each, or realizes 100Mbps.
    • The communication with PHY chip is conducted with clock synchronous serial communication by two lines of MDC/MDIO
      • PHY chip has PHY address like I2C communication.
      • PHY address is confirmed according to the pin state when PHY chip is reset.
      • On the circuit diagram, PHYAD0="floating", PHYAD1="floating"、PHYAD2="floating"
        • Although it seems to be pulled up/down on the circuit diagram, but it is DNA and unconnected.
        • Default value is retained within PHY chip, and PHYAD[2:0] = "001"
        • Also, Inside PHY chip, fixed at PHYAD3="L" and PHYAD4="L", accordingly, PHYAD[4:3] = "00"
          • That is to say, PHY address is PHYAD[4:0] = "00001".
      • PHY chip(KSZ8041NL) datasheet
        • Refer to 2.2 STRAP-IN OPTION ? KSZ8041NL

Set EtherC/EDMAC driver software and TCP/IP with Smart Configurator

Add component

    • Add T4 component as shown above.
      • r_t4_rx (Described in the above screenshot)
    • The following component which is dependent is automatically registered.
      • r_ether_rx, r_sys_time_rx, r_t4_driver_rx

Set component


  • Setting is not necessary.
    • The main setting items include the following
      • ON/OFF of DHCP
      • Fixed IP address when DHCP is OFF
      • Setting of communication-endpoint (Commonly known as "socket")
        • Six communication-endpoints of TCP are defined by default
        • The value of default setting needs to hold the receive window of 1460 bytes by communication-endpoint and ram is required to support this.
        • It's preferable to define the minimum amount required for communication at the same time.


    • Change PHY address from "0" to "1"
    • "The register bus of PHY0/1 for ETHER0/1" from "Use ETHER1" to "Use ETHER0".
    • Change "The link status is detected" from "Used" to "Unused"


  • Setting is not necessary.


  • Setting is not necessary.


  • Setting is not necessary.
    • If user uses r_t4_rx v210 or later, r_t4_rx execute random number generation by using "Trusted Secure IP(TSIP)" on security IP inside of RX MCUs for the TCP sequence number generating process that needs some of randomness.
    • r_tsip_rx is generally provided as "library format" but user can get source code version, for this, please contact to Renesas customer support center.
    • For Library version, all function would be linked (this issue would be fixed in future), this causes big ROM size needed.
    • Please use source code version if you would consider mass-production that need ROM size optimization, etc.

Pin setting

    • Since RX72N MCU assigns multi functions to one pin, you need to perform the setting of which function to be used with software.
    • Perform the pin setting on Smart Configurator to generate the code as shown in the above picture.
    • By reading Board Configuration File (BDF), "pin setting " on Smart Configurator is automated.

Set TeraTerm

  • Refeence
    • Refer to the item of "Connect CN8(USB Micro-B) and the USB port (PC, etc.) which is the communication destination with USB cable".
    • Refer to the item of "Boot Teraterm on Windows PC and select COM port (COMx: RSK USB Serial Port(COMx)) to connect."

Change section setting

  • When performing build operation, an error occurs to show B section overlapping in which another variable is assigned to the Ether related section "B_ETHERNET_BUFFERS" and so on.
  • It's preferable to assign the following 3 sections to the extensive RAM area in 0x00800000.
    • B_RX_DESC_1
    • B_TX_DESC_1
  • On the e2 studio project explorer

Coding of main() function

  • Add the codes to rx72n_envision_kit.c as shown below.
  • Fullfill to the step of booting TCP/IP with this code.
  • When TCP/IP boots normally, displays the information of IP address and so on which was obtained by DHCP on TeraTerm side.
  • By inputting "ping" for the IP address with command orompt from the PC, you can see there is a response.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> 

#include "r_smc_entry.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "r_cmt_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_if.h"
#include "r_t4_itcpip.h"
#include "r_t4_rx_config.h"

#include "Pin.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_pinset.h"
#include "r_ether_rx_pinset.h"
#include "r_sys_time_rx_if.h"

#if 1
/* Please turn off this section if you would use old r_t4_rx. */
#include "r_tsip_rx_if.h"

#define DEBUG_PRINT 1

void main(void);
void cmt_callback(void *arg);
void sci_callback(void *arg);
void my_sw_charput_function(char *data);
char my_sw_charget_function(void);

static sci_hdl_t sci_handle;
static UB guc_event[T4_CFG_SYSTEM_CHANNEL_NUMBER];

static UW tcpudp_work[14800];

void main(void)
    uint32_t cmt_channel;
    R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(10, cmt_callback, &cmt_channel);
    sci_cfg_t   my_sci_config;
    int32_t size;

#if 1
    /* Please turn off this section if you would use old r_t4_rx. */
    R_TSIP_Open(NULL, NULL); 

    /* Set up the configuration data structure for asynchronous (UART) operation. */
    my_sci_config.async.baud_rate    = 115200;
    my_sci_config.async.clk_src      = SCI_CLK_INT;
    my_sci_config.async.data_size    = SCI_DATA_8BIT;
    my_sci_config.async.parity_en    = SCI_PARITY_OFF;
    my_sci_config.async.parity_type  = SCI_EVEN_PARITY;
    my_sci_config.async.stop_bits    = SCI_STOPBITS_1;
    my_sci_config.async.int_priority = 15; /* disable 0 - low 1 - 15 high */

    R_SCI_Open(SCI_CH2, SCI_MODE_ASYNC, &my_sci_config, sci_callback, &sci_handle);

    printf("Hello World\n");


    /* start LAN controller */

    /* initialize TCP/IP */
    size = tcpudp_get_ramsize();
    if (size > (sizeof(tcpudp_work)))
        while (1);


void cmt_callback(void *arg)
	if(PORT4.PIDR.BIT.B0 == 1)
		PORT4.PODR.BIT.B0 = 0;
		PORT4.PODR.BIT.B0 = 1;

void sci_callback(void *arg)


void my_sw_charput_function(char *data)
    uint32_t arg = 0;
    /* do not call printf()->charput in interrupt context */
        R_SCI_Control(sci_handle, SCI_CMD_TX_Q_BYTES_FREE, (void*)&arg);
    while (SCI_CFG_CH2_TX_BUFSIZ != arg);
    R_SCI_Send(sci_handle, (uint8_t*)&data, 1);

char my_sw_charget_function(void)
	return 0;

ER system_callback(UB channel, UW eventid, VP param)
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
    uint8_t*    ev_tbl[] =
        "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
    printf("^^>>>user_cb<<< ch:%d,eventID = %s\n", channel, ev_tbl[eventid]);
#endif /*#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)*/
    guc_event[channel] = eventid;
        case ETHER_EV_LINK_OFF:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case ETHER_EV_LINK_ON:
            /* Do Nothing. */

            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_LEASE_IP:
            /* cast from VP to DHCP* */
            gpt_dhcp[channel] = (DHCP*)param;
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
            printf("DHCP.ipaddr[4]   %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.maskaddr[4] %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.gwaddr[4]   %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.dnsaddr[4]  %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.dnsaddr2[4] %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[3]);
            printf("DHCP.macaddr[6]  %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[0],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[1],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[2],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[3],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[4],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[5]);
            printf("DHCP.domain[%d] %s\n", strlen(gpt_dhcp[channel]->domain), gpt_dhcp[channel]->domain);
#endif /*#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)*/

        case DHCP_EV_LEASE_OVER:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_INIT:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_INIT_REBOOT:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_APIPA:
            /* cast from VP to DHCP* */
            gpt_dhcp[channel] = (DHCP*)param;
#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)
            printf("DHCP.ipaddr[4]   %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->ipaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.maskaddr[4] %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->maskaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.gwaddr[4]   %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->gwaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.dnsaddr[4]  %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr[3]);
            printf("DHCP.dnsaddr2[4] %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[0], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[1],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[2], gpt_dhcp[channel]->dnsaddr2[3]);
            printf("DHCP.macaddr[6]  %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n",
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[0],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[1],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[2],
                   gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[3],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[4],  gpt_dhcp[channel]->macaddr[5]);
            printf("DHCP.domain[%d] %s\n", strlen(gpt_dhcp[channel]->domain), gpt_dhcp[channel]->domain);
#endif /*#if defined(DEBUG_PRINT)*/

        case DHCP_EV_NAK:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_FATAL_ERROR:
            /* Do Nothing. */

        case DHCP_EV_PLEASE_RESET:
            /* Do Nothing. */

            /* Do Nothing. */
    return 0;

Output result(TeraTerm)

Hello World
^^>>>user_cb<<< ch:0,eventID = ETHER_EV_LINK_ON
^^>>>user_cb<<< ch:0,eventID = DHCP_EV_INIT
^^>>>user_cb<<< ch:0,eventID = DHCP_EV_LEASE_IP
DHCP.macaddr[6]  74:90:50:00:79:03

Ping response (Command prompt)


Transmit ping to 32 byte data:
Response from Byte number =32 hours <1ms TTL=80
Response from Byte number =32 hours <1ms TTL=80
Response from : Byte number =32 hours <1ms TTL=80
Response from : Byte number =32 hours <1ms TTL=80

ping statistics of :
    Packet number: Transmit = 4、Receipt = 4、Loss = 0 (0% loss)、
Estimated time of round trip (millisecond):
    Minimum = 0ms、Maximum = 0ms、Average = 0ms
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