1+SCI_ - renesas/rx72n-envision-kit GitHub Wiki
- Indispensable
- RX72N Envision Kit × 1
- USB cable (USB Micro-B --- USB Type A) × 2
- Windows PC × 1 unit
- Tools to be installed in Windows PC
e2 studio 2020-04
- Initial boot sometimes takes time.
- CC-RX V3.01 or later
Tera Term 4.105 or later
- Turn off High-speed file transfer with serial connection: FileSendHighSpeedMode=off
- Tera Term -> Setting -> Read setting -> Open TERATERM.INI with text editor -> Change setting -> Save -> Reboot Tera Term
- Turn off High-speed file transfer with serial connection: FileSendHighSpeedMode=off
e2 studio 2020-04
- Tools to be installed in Windows PC
Generate new project (bare metal) must be completed.
- In this chapter, implement by adding code to communicate with PC using UART mode of SCI(Serial Communication Interface) to LED0.1 second cycle blinking program generated by Generate new project (bare metal)
- SCI(Serial Communication Interface) has two UART interfaces of TXDx on transmit side and RXDx(X is channel number) on receipt side on data signal line, like P13/TXD2 and P12/RXD2 on the above circuit
- Can be used as UART interface with flow control mechanism by adding CTS/RTS signal to TXDx and RXDx.
- Also, can be used as a mode other than UART, such as I2C and SPI
- In RX72n Envision Kit, channel2** of **SCI is connected to CN8 via USB-serial conversion chip, enabling UART communication between RX72N and PC via CN8 connector.
- On the above circuit, CN8 can be connected to ESP32(WiFi module) according to SW3 setting.
- This is a mechanism of updating ESP32 firmware and writing SSL certificate of the connection destination.
- During regular system operation, without using this function, set SW3 to connect RX72N and CN8.
- If you suspect that RX72N is not connected to CN8, check SW3 setting.
- If SW3-2 is turned off, RX72N and CN8 are connected.
- If SW3-2 is turned on, ESP32 are CN8 connected.
- Besides, RX72N and ESP32 are connected with P30/RXD1, P26/TXD1, P31/CTS1# and P27_RTS# and have another process to write SSL certificate.
- That is to say, except when ESP32 firmware is updated or SSL certificate is written, turn off SW3-2
- For the application of ESP32, refer to ESP32 application page.
- Add two components as shown above.
- r_sci_rx (As described in the above screenshot)
- r_byteq *If r_sci_rx is not displayed, select "Basic setting" in " Select software component" window and check "display all FIT modules".
- Add two components as shown above.
Perform SCI related settings (Use UART and SCI channel2)
Set to use SCI related pins (Use TXD2 of SC12 and RXD2)
- None
- Since UART transmit/receipt is used in more common c language software interface, (printf(), scanf(), etc.), change the input /output destination of the standard library with r_bsp.
- Executing printf() with the software on PC leads to "printf()→C language standard library→"Text string is displayed on PC screen"
- Executing printf() with the software on RX MCU leads to "printf()→C language standard library→Call charput() function of lowlvl.c within r_bsp →Output debug report of E1/E2 emulator" *As a result, printf() data reaches Renesas Debug Virtual Console window of e2 studio.
- Default setting inputs/outputs via the interface of E1/E2 debugger as described above.
- You can set to default when connecting debugger, when operating actual machine stand-alone (with debugger disconnected) there are many cases you want to connect actual machine with PC, too.
- Perform the following setting with r_bsp
- Performing the above setting will shift printf() data transmision process "printf()→C language standard library→Call charput() function of owlvl.c within r_bsp→my_sw_charput_function()"
- The users can elaborate my_sw_charput_function() installment freely.
- In RX72N Envision Kit, by installing my_sw_charput_function() with transmit function of UART mode of SCI channel2, connects the output of printf() to CN8, enabling communication between PC and UART.
- Data output process of printf() this time is "printf()→C language standard library→Call charput() function of lowlvl.c within r_bsp→my_sw_charput_function()→R_SCI_Send(channel2, ...)->SCI2(TXD2) -> P13 -> CN8 -> USB cable -> PC(COM port) -> PC(Tera Term, etc.)"
- Since RX72N MCU assigns multiple functions to one pin, it is necessary to perform the setting of which function should be used.
- In RX72N Envision Kit, SCI performs UART control with two of P13(<-TXD2) and P12(<-RXD2).
- Perform pin setting on Smart Configurator as described above and generate code as described above.
- By reading board configuration file (BDF), "pin setting" on Smart Configurator is automated.
- Refer to the following
- Add code to rx72n_envision_kit.c as described below.
- In this code output printf() to SCI channel2.
- Installment of my_sw_charput_function() is "check transmission buffer is empty→Execute transmission→Exit without waiting for transmission completion"
- Please note that all software execution other than interrupt processing is blocked during printf() execution.
- To avoid this, directly handle R_SCI_Send() and callback(sci_callback) or use real time OS.
- Assuming that the above mentioned is understood, printf() is used.
- Skillful installment with real time OS: Application of queue Serialization of print debug
#include <stdio.h>
#include "r_smc_entry.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "r_cmt_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_if.h"
#include "Pin.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_pinset.h"
void main(void);
void cmt_callback(void *arg);
void sci_callback(void *arg);
void my_sw_charput_function(char *data);
char my_sw_charget_function(void);
static sci_hdl_t sci_handle;
void main(void)
uint32_t cmt_channel;
R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(10, cmt_callback, &cmt_channel);
sci_cfg_t my_sci_config;
/* Set up the configuration data structure for asynchronous (UART) operation. */
my_sci_config.async.baud_rate = 115200;
my_sci_config.async.clk_src = SCI_CLK_INT;
my_sci_config.async.data_size = SCI_DATA_8BIT;
my_sci_config.async.parity_en = SCI_PARITY_OFF;
my_sci_config.async.parity_type = SCI_EVEN_PARITY;
my_sci_config.async.stop_bits = SCI_STOPBITS_1;
my_sci_config.async.int_priority = 15; /* disable 0 - low 1 - 15 high */
R_SCI_Open(SCI_CH2, SCI_MODE_ASYNC, &my_sci_config, sci_callback, &sci_handle);
printf("Hello World\n");
void cmt_callback(void *arg)
if(PORT4.PIDR.BIT.B0 == 1)
void sci_callback(void *arg)
void my_sw_charput_function(char *data)
uint32_t arg = 0;
/* do not call printf()->charput in interrupt context */
R_SCI_Control(sci_handle, SCI_CMD_TX_Q_BYTES_FREE, (void*)&arg);
while (SCI_CFG_CH2_TX_BUFSIZ != arg);
R_SCI_Send(sci_handle, (uint8_t*)&data, 1);
char my_sw_charget_function(void)
return 0;
Coding of main() function (In case of aiming command response-style operation utilizing transmit/receipt)
- Add code to rx72n_envision_kit.c as described bellow. *In this code, receive the input from SC12 with SCI2 interrupt by 1 byte, and when receiving a line feed code, set global variable flag to ON to detect on main() side.
- Installment of my_sw_charget_function() shows "there is not any"
- It can be described "enable to install my_sw_charget_function() and use scanf() and so on", however, in that case scanf() constantly waits for a input from users, therefore, when real time OS is not used, other software can never be moved. Accordingly, in this case it is not installed.
- The installment here is when entering command, "hello", "Hello World" is returned as response
- Because of sscanf() within main(), command and argument are stored in command variable and arg1 ~ arg4 respectively.
- Command variable is passed to get_command_code() and converted to the constant value to be sifted out in switch-case.
- To add a command, you can expand get_command_code() function and then expand switch-case in main()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "r_smc_entry.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "r_cmt_rx_if.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_if.h"
#include "Pin.h"
#include "r_sci_rx_pinset.h"
#define PROMPT "\nRX72N Envision Kit\n$ "
void main(void);
void cmt_callback(void *arg);
void sci_callback(void *arg);
void my_sw_charput_function(char *data);
char my_sw_charget_function(void);
static int32_t get_command_code(uint8_t *command);
static sci_hdl_t sci_handle;
static uint8_t sci_buffer[4096];
static uint8_t command[256];
static uint8_t arg1[256];
static uint8_t arg2[256];
static uint8_t arg3[256];
static uint8_t arg4[256];
static uint32_t sci_current_received_size;
static volatile uint32_t sci_command_received_flag;
void main(void)
uint32_t cmt_channel;
R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(10, cmt_callback, &cmt_channel);
sci_cfg_t my_sci_config;
/* Set up the configuration data structure for asynchronous (UART) operation. */
my_sci_config.async.baud_rate = 115200;
my_sci_config.async.clk_src = SCI_CLK_INT;
my_sci_config.async.data_size = SCI_DATA_8BIT;
my_sci_config.async.parity_en = SCI_PARITY_OFF;
my_sci_config.async.parity_type = SCI_EVEN_PARITY;
my_sci_config.async.stop_bits = SCI_STOPBITS_1;
my_sci_config.async.int_priority = 15; /* disable 0 - low 1 - 15 high */
R_SCI_Open(SCI_CH2, SCI_MODE_ASYNC, &my_sci_config, sci_callback, &sci_handle);
printf("%s", PROMPT);
if ( 0 != sscanf((char*)sci_buffer, "%256s %256s %256s %256s %256s", command, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4))
printf("Hello World.\n");
printf("Command not found.\n");
sci_command_received_flag = 0;
printf("%s", PROMPT);
void cmt_callback(void *arg)
if(PORT4.PIDR.BIT.B0 == 1)
void sci_callback(void *arg)
sci_cb_args_t *p_args;
p_args = (sci_cb_args_t *)arg;
if (SCI_EVT_RX_CHAR == p_args->event)
R_SCI_Receive(p_args->hdl, &sci_buffer[sci_current_received_size], 1);
R_SCI_Send(sci_handle, (uint8_t*)&sci_buffer[sci_current_received_size], 1);
if(((char)sci_buffer[sci_current_received_size - 1] == '\r') && ((char)sci_buffer[sci_current_received_size] == '\n'))
sci_buffer[sci_current_received_size + 1] = 0;
sci_command_received_flag = 1;
sci_current_received_size = 0;
else if(sci_current_received_size == (sizeof(sci_buffer) - 1)) /* -1 means string terminator after "\n" */
sci_current_received_size = 0;
void my_sw_charput_function(char *data)
uint32_t arg = 0;
/* do not call printf()->charput in interrupt context */
R_SCI_Control(sci_handle, SCI_CMD_TX_Q_BYTES_FREE, (void*)&arg);
while (SCI_CFG_CH2_TX_BUFSIZ != arg);
R_SCI_Send(sci_handle, (uint8_t*)&data, 1);
char my_sw_charget_function(void)
return 0;
static int32_t get_command_code(uint8_t *command)
int32_t return_code;
if(!strcmp((char*)command, "hello"))
return_code = COMMAND_HELLO;
return_code = COMMAND_UNKNOWN;
return return_code;