Create a language in 10 minutes! - rendaw/merman GitHub Wiki

In this short guide I hope to give you a high level picture of how to use merman to build a language, from syntax design to interpreter implementation. You'll need merman, of course, but also Python 3 for the interpreter.

If you're aiming to complete this in 10 minutes you might want to jump to the full source listing at the end and stick to copying it into files and running it. For the underachievers, we'll start with the table of contents:


Language outline

Building the interpreter

Syntax file structure

Creating an atom

Putting it all together

Creating a source file with your syntax

Running the interpreter

Language outline

We'll create a simple calculator language in this guide. In our language, calclang, each line evaluates and displays an expression, binds the value of the expression to a name, or displays some text - that is, the root element of our source code is a list of statements and each statement is one of those three.

A sample program looks something like this:

x1 = 4
y1 = 17
x2 = 33
y2 = 47
h = ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) ^ 0.5
" This is h

The line that starts with " displays the text that follows it.

The operators we'll support are

  • add
  • subtract
  • multiply
  • divide
  • exponent

All of these are binary operators which are surrounded by expressions. An expression can be any operator expression, a number, or a name (to recall a bound value). The full list of elements in our language are (easy to remember ids included)

  • add
  • subtract
  • multiply
  • divide
  • exponent
  • number
  • recall
  • bind
  • label

Building the interpreter

merman supports two AST formats, luxem and JSON. For this guide we'll use luxem because I designed it, and more importantly because it's well suited to this and many other tasks. On the off chance you're not familiar with luxem you can read about it here.

Install the luxem library with

pip install luxem

To start our interpreter,, deserialize the source file

import sys
import luxem

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as source:
    ast = luxem.load(source)

luxem files are an array at the root level, so we'll say each element in the root array is a statement. Each statement will be a typed value so we can easily identify what type of statement it is. We'll also need a dict to keep track of bound values. The source code will look roughly like

(bind) { name: x, expression: (number) 4 },
(add) { left: (recall) x, right: (number) 7 },
(label) "All done!",

Our basic execution strategy is to loop through the root statements and depending on the type, bind, display a value, or display some text.

import sys
import luxem

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as source:
    ast = luxem.load(source)

names = {}

def evaluate(expression):

for statement in ast:
    if == 'bind':
        names[statement.value['name']] = evaluate(statement.value['expression'])
    elif == 'label':

evaluate is the key here - it's a function that takes an expression and turns it into a value. Because each operator expression can contain more operator expressions, using a recursive function solves this cleanly. The definition for evaluate is

def evaluate(expression):
    if == 'add':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) + evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'subtract':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) - evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'multiply':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) * evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'divide':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) / evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'exponent':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) ** evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'number':
        return float(expression.value)
    if == 'recall':
        return names[expression.value]
    raise RuntimeError('Unknown expression type {}!'.format(

More robust error handling left as an exercise for the reader! And we're done! You can try it on the example source above - you should get an output like

All done!

But really, making that example was pretty hard. All you had to do was copy and paste but I had to type the whole thing out. After all, I'm putting this together in the order you're reading it. What we'd really like is to be able to type

x = 4
x + 7
" All done!

and automatically get that source tree. So let's make a syntax that we can use with merman to do this.

Syntax file structure

merman syntax files are Lua scripts that return a table describing the syntax. When you open a source file in merman, it automatically loads the corresponding syntax file from ~/.config/merman/syntaxes (~/Library/Preferences/merman/syntaxes on Mac, something like c:\Users\User\AppData\merman\syntaxes on Windows - syntax_luxem.lua is placed there the first time you run merman so you can search for that) based on the source file extension. We'll use the extension .calclang with our source files, so create a file there named syntax_calclang.lua.

The returned table has a number of sections, but the only ones we'll bother with today are types, groups, root, styles, and pretty_save. The full syntax specification can be found here.

A brief terminology overview

In merman, the nodes in the AST are referred to as atoms. Remember this, since it will be used a lot from here on. A gap is an incomplete atom. Screen layout is done on the visuals of the displayed atoms, which are composed of bricks. The bricks are placed in courses and the courses in a wall.



types is a list of atom type definitions. Each type has a back - a description of how the atom is stored in the AST, a front - how the atom is modified and displayed to the user (how and which bricks are placed for the atom), and a middle which describes the specific modifiable components which connect the front and back.


When nesting atoms within other atoms you need to specify the type of the atoms that can be nested. groups are type ids that represent a collection of other type ids.


root is another atom type that only exists at the root of the source file. This atom is effectively outside the document - it cannot be deleted or replaced. It also has a few special properties compared to normal atom types - for instance, its type id is always root.


Rules regarding how to display and layout bricks are listed in styles. When a brick is styled, each style listed in this section is tested against it in turn. If the brick has all the tags that are required (and none that are forbidden), the style is applied to the brick. The specified values of subsequent styles that match override values from previous styles.


If true, the source code will have spaces and new lines to make it easier to read.

Things like hotkeys also need to be defined in the syntax, but merman comes with a reasonable premade set of those which we will use. Use this as a skeleton for your syntax:

local _hotkeys = require 'hotkeys'

local syntax = {
    types = {
    groups = {
    root = {
    styles = {
    pretty_save = true,


return syntax

Creating an atom

To start with, let's define the syntax for serializing and deserializing add. If you recall the example source code, when serialized the add atom is written as a typed ((add)) record {}, and within the record two keys ,left and right, which both contain expressions. This is how we define back to produce that serialization. Create an empty table within types and add to it

back = {
    type {
        type = 'add',
        value = record {
            left = data_atom 'left',
            right = data_atom 'right',

The words type, record and atom in the above are built-in helper functions that add the types record and atom respectively to their argument. As an aside, since there are a lot of type helper functions, it may make sense to prefix variables you use (if you use any) with a _ to make sure they don't overlap.

The atoms mean that the keys left and right contain nested atoms. The 'left' following atom is the name of the middle part which describes what can be nested. Define that next.

middle = {
    left = atom 'expression',
    right = atom 'expression',

The middle part type atom only has one parameter, the type id of the atoms that may be nested. We haven't defined expression yet, but it will be a group of types including all the operators, name, and recall.

Lastly, we to show the user x + 7. Let's also give all the operators a color to distinguish them from other parts of the language. Define the front as

front = {
    atom 'left',
    symbol { type = text '+', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
    atom 'right',

Again, left and right refer to the corresponding middle parts. The + is fixed text brick that will be inserted between the two. It will be automatically used to disambiguate this operator from the others if you type it after typing the left expression. The tags elements become free tags on the symbol's brick.

To change the color of the operators, add this table to styles

    with = { free 'operator_color' },
    color = rgb { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 },

To finish the type, give it the type id add and name Add Operator.

    id = 'add',
    name = 'Add Operator',
    back = {
        type {
            type = 'add',
            value = record {
                left = data_atom 'left',
                right = data_atom 'right',
    middle = {
        left = atom 'expression',
        right = atom 'expression',
    front = {
        atom 'left',
        symbol { type = text '+', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
        atom 'right',

Putting it all together

The above needs to be repeated and adjusted for the remaining operators. We'll style all the operators red, number and recall green, and the statements blue. Since number and recall are slightly different let's address them individually. The other atom type are relatively straightforward so you should be able to do those on your own.

    id = 'number',
    name = 'Number',
    back = {
        type {
            type = 'number',
            value = data_primitive 'value',
    middle = {
        value = primitive {
            pattern = rep1 { pattern = union { digits {}, string '.' } },
    front = {
        primitive { middle = 'value', tags = { 'number_recall_color' } },

A primitive is any free text value. We specified a pattern (essentially a regex) to help merman distinguish it from recall (which also takes free text) when you're writing a program:

    id = 'recall',
    name = 'Recall',
    back = {
        type {
            type = 'recall',
            value = data_primitive 'name',
    middle = {
        name = primitive {
            pattern = rep1 { pattern = letters {} },
    front = {
        primitive { middle = 'name', tags = { 'number_recall_color' } },

For a short explanation of pattern:

  • rep0, rep1 match the nested pattern multiple times; at least once for rep1, any number of times for rep0
  • seq is a list of nested patterns that must match in sequence
  • union is a list of nested patterns of which one must match
  • class is a union of the characters in the string
  • any matches any character
  • letters, digits match a single letter and digit, respectively

Add the style

    with = { free 'number_recall_color' },
    color = rgb { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0 },

That's all the types, now make the groups for expression atoms and statement atoms:

groups = {
    expression = {
    statement = {

With that we have everything we need to define the root atom. To make statements appear on separate lines we need add a space front part to act as a line break and style it as such.

root = {
    back = { root_data_array 'data' },
    middle = {
        data = array {
            type = 'statement'
    front = {
        array {
            middle = 'data',
            prefix = {
                { type = space {} }

root_data_array is a special back type that can only be used in the root. It means roughly "de/serialize this like an array but without the []'s".

Add the style

    with = { type 'root', part 'space' },
    split = true,

The type and part tags are automatically generated, but you could also add your own free tags to the front element if you wanted to reuse this style.

Here's the assembled syntax.

Creating a source file with your syntax

It's time to fire up merman. We'll make a source file called example.calclang that is the same as the example above, so start merman with java -jar merman.jar example.calclang. You'll be greeted with this:


We're currently in a gap in the root array. Type x:


We're still in a gap - merman doesn't know if we're starting a bind statement or an expression statement that starts by recalling x. That's what's shown in the box that pops up below the cursor. You can use ctrl + up/down to select from the choices and ctrl + enter to commit, but hold off on that for now. If we type a bit more, merman will figure out what we wanted on its own. By the way, the hotkeys are defined in ~/.config/merman/syntaxes/hotkeys.lua and the list of hotkeyable actions are here.

Type =


The color changed! The gap was filled with a bind statement. Now we're in a gap within the bind statement. Type 4


That also changed color, so we're done with that statement. Whew, alright, 3 keypresses done! I had to press several hundred though. Let's move on - press escape twice until we've highlighted the statement in the array, and press a to add a statement after the current one.


Rinse and repeat with the remaining lines. Note: we didn't include text symbols with spaces in any of our types so if you add a space to a gap it won't match anything.


And we're done! Save it and check the contents

(bind) {
    expression: (number) 4,
    name: x,
(add) {
    left: (recall) x,
    right: (number) 7,
(label) "All done!",

The final test: running it.

Running the interpreter

Run python example.calclang.

You should see

All done!

You did it!

In the next episode we'll reproduce C++, all in 30 minutes. Look forward to it!

Appendix 1: Syntax source

local _hotkeys = require 'hotkeys'

local syntax = {
    types = {
            id = 'add',
            name = 'Add Operator',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'add',
                    value = record {
                        left = data_atom 'left',
                        right = data_atom 'right',
            middle = {
                left = atom 'expression',
                right = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                atom 'left',
                symbol { type = text '+', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
                atom 'right',
            id = 'subtract',
            name = 'Subtract Operator',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'subtract',
                    value = record {
                        left = data_atom 'left',
                        right = data_atom 'right',
            middle = {
                left = atom 'expression',
                right = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                atom 'left',
                symbol { type = text '-', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
                atom 'right',
            id = 'multiply',
            name = 'Multiply Operator',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'multiply',
                    value = record {
                        left = data_atom 'left',
                        right = data_atom 'right',
            middle = {
                left = atom 'expression',
                right = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                atom 'left',
                symbol { type = text '*', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
                atom 'right',
            id = 'divide',
            name = 'Divide Operator',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'divide',
                    value = record {
                        left = data_atom 'left',
                        right = data_atom 'right',
            middle = {
                left = atom 'expression',
                right = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                atom 'left',
                symbol { type = text '/', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
                atom 'right',
            id = 'exponent',
            name = 'Exponent Operator',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'exponent',
                    value = record {
                        left = data_atom 'left',
                        right = data_atom 'right',
            middle = {
                left = atom 'expression',
                right = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                atom 'left',
                symbol { type = text '^', tags = { 'operator_color' } },
                atom 'right',
            id = 'number',
            name = 'Number',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'number',
                    value = data_primitive 'value',
            middle = {
                value = primitive {
                    pattern = rep1 { pattern = union { digits {}, string '.' } },
            front = {
                primitive { middle = 'value', tags = { 'number_recall_color' } },
            id = 'recall',
            name = 'Recall',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'recall',
                    value = data_primitive 'name',
            middle = {
                name = primitive {
                    pattern = rep1 { pattern = letters {} },
            front = {
                primitive { middle = 'name', tags = { 'number_recall_color' } },
            id = 'bind',
            name = 'Bind statement',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'bind',
                    value = record {
                        name = data_primitive 'name',
                        expression = data_atom 'expression',
            middle = {
                name = primitive {
                    pattern = rep1 { pattern = letters {} },
                expression = atom 'expression',
            front = {
                primitive { middle = 'name', tags = { 'statement_color' } },
                symbol { type = text '=', tags = { 'statement_color' } },
                atom 'expression',
            id = 'label',
            name = 'Label statement',
            back = {
                type {
                    type = 'label',
                    value = data_primitive 'text',
            middle = {
                text = primitive {},
            front = {
                symbol { type = text '"', tags = { 'statement_color' } },
                primitive 'text',
    groups = {
        expression = {
        statement = {
    root = {
        back = { root_data_array 'data' },
        middle = {
            data = array {
                type = 'statement'
        front = {
            array {
                middle = 'data',
                prefix = {
                    { type = space {} }
    styles = {
            with = { free 'number_recall_color' },
            color = rgb { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0 },
            with = { free 'operator_color' },
            color = rgb { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 },
            with = { free 'statement_color' },
            color = rgb { r = 0, g = 0, b = 1 },
            with = { type 'root', part 'space' },
            split = true,
    pretty_save = true,


return syntax

Appendix 2: Interpreter source

import sys
import luxem

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as source:
    ast = luxem.load(source)

names = {}

def evaluate(expression):
    if == 'add':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) + evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'subtract':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) - evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'multiply':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) * evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'divide':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) / evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'exponent':
        return evaluate(expression.value['left']) ** evaluate(expression.value['right'])
    if == 'number':
        return float(expression.value)
    if == 'recall':
        return names[expression.value]
    raise RuntimeError('Unknown expression type {}!'.format(

for statement in ast:
    if == 'bind':
        names[statement.value['name']] = evaluate(statement.value['expression'])
    elif == 'label':
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️