XLD Re Encoding on OSX - rembo10/headphones GitHub Wiki

To re-encode using xld during post processing, the latest xld version needs to be installed, download it from here:


Scroll to the Download section and download the .dmg

Install xld from the .dmg in the usual way by moving to Applications

Within the .dmg, there should also be a CLI folder containing the xld command, move the xld command to Applications. If you don't want it in Applications then follow the instructions in the HOWTO.txt

Next, test the xld command by entering the following in Terminal


This should give a list of options with the last entry being --profile

Then launch the xld application and setup the preferences for the output format you want to convert to from headphones, e.g. I want to convert FLAC to ALAC so I select the xld Output format: Apple Lossless and setup the options associated with that format

When you are done, select Profile from the menu bar and choose 'Save Current Settings As…', and save with an appropriate name, e.g 'Headphones Apple Lossless'

From headphones Advanced Settings, Re-Encoding Options, Encoder, choose xld, this should then display XLD Profile and Path to Encoder. Enter the xld Profile created above. The Path can be left blank if you installed the cmd to /Applications.

Give it a test and check the headphones logs if it's not working