ULA vs SJS - redcode/ZXSpectrum GitHub Wiki


Author: Helcmanovsky, Peter
License: MIT
Links: GitHub

Version Release date Links Download
v1.1 2023-04-22 Discord post, GitHub commit zip, tar.xz (hosted) - zip (Discord post) - zip (GitHub)
v1.0 2023-04-20 Discord post tap (hosted) - tap (Discord post)
v1.0-beta 2023-04-19 Discord post tap, sna, asm (hosted) - tap, sna, asm (Discord post)


Test keyboard/sinclair joystick reading on ports 00FEh, EFFEh and F7FEh.

It was reported by XoRRoX that grey +2 machine does not mix SJS inputs into the whole 8x5 matrix reading at port 00FEh, only mixes them into more specific port readings like EFFEh and F7FEh (maybe even more of them, but not 00FEh).

If such reading is detected by the test (joy input is only on specific port), the extra message "difference detected" is shown and all ports difference.

On regular ZX just pressing keys should never display any difference, as anything read at EFFEh and 7FFEh should be included also in 00FEh reading.

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