budhud Dev Reference - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki

Used as a reference by me because i forget EVERYTHING

HUDS.TF final stats

Downloads: 393,280 | Views: 1,165,827


Things I could do and why I haven't done them

  • speedo - i was lazy, this is implemented now
  • uber timer - don't want to, takes up voicemenu + kinda perf heavy
  • VTF crosshairs - varies too much on someone's preferences

TF Team HUD Wishlist

  • Center ammo pickup that appears in the lower center of the screen (can't center for all three digit places)
  • Adjust wide value of text in Voice UI
  • Ability to change colors of itemeffectmeters (you can with a modulate material but i mean......)
  • Ability to use directional arrows in vgui_drawtree again (pls)

Useful HUD Commands

  • hud_reloadscheme - most basic hud reload command
  • mat_aaquality - used if reloadscheme doesnt work
  • mat_reloadallmaterials - used whenever working on VTFs/VMTs
  • showschemevisualizer
  • cl_panelanimation
  • testhudanim <event_name> - test an animation in hudanimations

Random useful info

  • Scoreboard font: resource/clientscheme -> Default
  • Scoreboard name/ping/score/etc font -> "DefaultVerySmall" (set to "" to disable)
  • Killfeed font: /scripts/hudlayout.res -> "font" under "HudDeathNotice"
  • Equipped item font: resource/clientscheme -> ItemFontNameSmallest, ItemFontNameSmall, ItemFontNameLarge, ItemFontNameLarger
  • Change Item Preset names (A, B, C, D) by adding the following to chat_english.txt:
    "TF_ItemPresetName0"    "<name>"
    "TF_ItemPresetName1"    "<name>"
    "TF_ItemPresetName2"    "<name>"
    "TF_ItemPresetName3"    "<name>"

(will probably muck up the quickswitch menu)

VTF/VMT Information

For VMTs, the following are (in my experience) the only parameters you need to have:


  • Required to locate the VTF


  • Must be set to 1 for VTFs with any transparency
  • Can safely be left set to 1 for all VMTs with no issue


  • Must be set to 1 for VTFs that can be changed with image_drawcolor / image_armedcolor
  • Can safely be left set to 1 for all VMTs with no issue


  • Must be set to 1 for VTFs that can be changed with image_drawcolor / image_armedcolor AND the RGBA value used is not fully opaque (alpha value is a value between 0 and 254)
  • Example in budhud: cog.vtf is used in the main menu to change your rank from casual to competitive. Since the RGBA used for image_drawcolor has transparency (255 255 255 001), $vertexalpha must be set to 1

Payload Icon Notes

Used in PLR:

  • cart_home__square
  • cart_, cart__bottom
  • cart_track__opaque
  • cart_point_

Used in PL:

  • cart_
  • cart_home__opaque
  • cart_point__opaque


  • bh_b_NESW - Borders on NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, and WEST side of element
  • bh_b_NEW - Borders on NORTH, EAST, and WEST side of element
  • bh_b_ESW - Borders on EAST, SOUTH, and WEST side of element
  • bh_b_EW - Borders on EAST and WEST side of element
  • bh_b_N - Border on NORTH side of element
  • bh_b_E - Border on EAST side of element
  • bh_b_S - Border on SOUTH side of element
  • bh_b_W - Border on WEST side of element
  • ReplayGrayDialogBorder - PReviously used a lot for tooltips, now using bh_ToolTipBG
  • bh_TooltipBG - Replaces ReplayGrayDialogBorder

"Close" Buttons

No text, just image

        "image_drawcolor"                                       "255 255 255 255"
        "image_armedcolor"                                      "240 134 049 255"

            "image"                                             "replay/thumbnails/menu_icons/close"

Element Template

Generic image panel with fillcolor

    "ControlName"                                               "ImagePanel"
    "fieldName"                                                 "bh_Template_Block"
    "xpos"                                                      "0"
    "ypos"                                                      "420"
    "zpos"                                                      "0"
    "wide"                                                      "f0"
    "tall"                                                      "60"
    "autoResize"                                                "0"
    "pinCorner"                                                 "0"
    "labeltext"                                                 ""
    "visible"                                                   "1"
    "enabled"                                                   "1"
    "fillcolor"                                                 "bh_Theme_BG20"
    "image"                                                     ""
    "paintbackgroundtype"                                       "0"

Button Template

Generic CExButton with command execution

    "ControlName"                                               "CExButton"
    "fieldName"                                                 "bh_Template_Button"
    "xpos"                                                      "30"
    "ypos"                                                      "75"
    "zpos"                                                      "0"
    "wide"                                                      "100"
    "tall"                                                      "26"
    "autoResize"                                                "0"
    "pinCorner"                                                 "0"
    "visible"                                                   "1"
    "enabled"                                                   "1"
    "paintbackgroundtype"                                       "0"

    "labeltext"                                                 "DRAWTREE 0/1"
    "textalignment"                                             "center"
    "font"                                                      "bh_Font12"
    "command"                                                   "engine incrementvar vgui_drawtree 0 1 1"

    "sound_depressed"                                           "UI/buttonclick.wav"
    "sound_released"                                            "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

    "defaultBgColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_BG20"
    "armedBgColor_override"                                     "bh_Theme_BG30"
    "depressedBgColor_override"                                 "bh_Theme_BG30"
    "defaultFgColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_TextSecondary"
    "armedFgColor_override"                                     "bh_Theme_TextAccent"
    "depressedFgColor_override"                                 "bh_ButtonDepressed"
    "border_default"                                            "bh_b_NESW"
    "border_armed"                                              "bh_b_NESW"

Button Colors

Standard button colors used in budhud

    "defaultFgColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_TextSecondary"
    "armedFgColor_override"                                     "bh_Theme_TextAccent"
    "depressedFgColor_override"                                 "bh_ButtonDepressed"
    "defaultBgColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_BG20"
    "armedBgColor_override"                                     "bh_Theme_BG30"
    "depressedBgColor_override"                                 "bh_Theme_BG30"
    "border_default"                                            "bh_b_NESW"
    "border_armed"                                              "bh_b_NESW"
    "image_drawcolor"                                           "255 255 255 255"
    "image_armedcolor"                                          "240 134 49 255"

"Combobox" Colors

Standard combobox (filter search) colors used in budhud

"fgcolor_override"                                          "bh_white"
"bgcolor_override"                                          "bh_blank"
"disabledFgColor_override"                                  "bh_white"
"selectionColor_override"                                   "bh_blank"
"selectionTextColor_override"                               "bh_white"

Background footer used in menus

    "ControlName"                                               "ImagePanel"
    "fieldName"                                                 "bh_BackgroundFooter"
    "xpos"                                                      "0"
    "ypos"                                                      "420"
    "zpos"                                                      "0"
    "wide"                                                      "f0"
    "tall"                                                      "61"
    "autoResize"                                                "0"
    "pinCorner"                                                 "0"
    "labeltext"                                                 ""
    "visible"                                                   "1"
    "enabled"                                                   "1"
    "fillcolor"                                                 "bh_Theme_BG20"
    "border"                                                    "bh_b_N"
    "image"                                                     ""
    "paintbackgroundtype"                                       "0"


  • A pinned element will always move relative to their parent element
  • Good for things like shadows, etc.
  • Bear in mind x/y values move the pinned element oppositely as they usually do
  • xpos 100 will move it 100 units to the LEFT instead of RIGHT, etc
  • I think there might actually be a way to change this reversing pin behavior by changing the pin corner or something
    "ControlName"                                               "Label"
    "fieldName"                                                 "bh_PinTemplate"
    "xpos"                                                      "c0"
    "ypos"                                                      "10"
    "zpos"                                                      "0"
    "wide"                                                      "100"
    "tall"                                                      "0"
    "visible"                                                   "1"
    "enabled"                                                   "1"
    "bgcolor_override"                                          "0 0 0 0"
    "pin_to_sibling"                                            "bh_PinTemplate"
    "xpos"                                                      "-1"
    "ypos"                                                      "-1"

Combobox (w/ dropdown arrow) Color Control

  • "Button" is what controls the drop-down arrow's appearance in the dropdown box
    "fgcolor_override"                                          "bh_black"
    "selectionColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_TextAccent"
    "selectionTextColor_override"                               "bh_white"
    "bgcolor_override"                                          "bh_white"
        "defaultBgColor_override"                               "bh_ButtonBlank"
        "armedBgColor_override"                                 "bh_ButtonBlank"
        "depressedBgColor_override"                             "bh_ButtonBlank"
        "defaultFgColor_override"                               "bh_gray"
        "armedFgColor_override"                                 "bh_Theme_TextAccent"
        "depressedFgColor_override"                             "bh_ButtonDepressed"
  • For text entry box (border no worky)
    "fgcolor_override"                                          "bh_black"
    "selectionColor_override"                                   "bh_Theme_TextAccent"
    "selectionTextColor_override"                               "bh_white"
    "bgcolor_override"                                          "bh_white"

VTF File Compression

Information courtesy of peaches

  • DXT1 - Use for images with no transparency
  • DXT5 - Use for images with transparency


From TF Team's hudanimations_tf.txt

event IsAnExample
    Animate <panel name> <variable> <target value> <interpolator> <start time> <duration>

    Blur            (hud panels only)
    TextColor       (hud panels only)
    Ammo2Color      (hud panels only)
    Alpha           (hud weapon selection only)
    SelectionAlpha  (hud weapon selection only)
    TextScan        (hud weapon selection only)

    Accel   - starts moving slow, ends fast
    Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow
    Spline  - simple ease in/out curve
    Pulse   - < freq > over the duration, the value is pulsed (cosine) freq times ending at the dest value (assuming freq is integral)
    Flicker - < randomness factor 0.0 to 1.0 > over duration, each frame if random # is less than factor, use end value, otherwise use prev value
    Gain    - < bias > Lower bias values bias towards 0.5 and higher bias values bias away from it.
    Bias    - < bias > Lower values bias the curve towards 0 and higher values bias it towards 1.

RunEvent <event name> <start time>
    starts another even running at the specified time

StopEvent <event name> <start time>
    stops another event that is current running at the specified time

StopAnimation <panel name> <variable> <start time>
    stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the specified panel

StopPanelAnimations <panel name> <start time>
    stops all active animations operating on the specified panel

SetFont <panel name> <fontparameter> <fontname from scheme> <set time>

SetTexture <panel name> <textureidname> <texturefilename> <set time>

SetString <panel name> <string varname> <stringvalue> <set time>


Info courtesy of Hypnotize

0 - Straight edges
1 - Burnt paper edges
2 - Round edge
3 - Gradient edges
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