Player Class 3D Model - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki


You can disable both the 3D model and static image of the class you're currently playing by following the steps below.


  1. Navigate to /budhud/#customization
  2. Move bh_player_hideclassmodel.res into the _enabled folder


If you'd like to customize these yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to /budhud/_budhud/resource/ui/hudplayerclass.res
  2. Under bh_classmodelpanel, modify the xpos and ypos values to move the entire element around.
  3. To adjust the orientation of the player model further, check the comments under model.

Related Console Commands

  • cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel <0/1> - Disable/enable the 3d player model. When disabled, the static player model will be used instead.

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