Item Meters & Item Counters - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki


budhud uses #base to make editing item meters and counters easier, though this system may be confusing for those not familiar with it.

Item meters and counters are controlled in ../budhud/_budhud/resource/ui/ by every file starting with huditemeffectmeter.

Item Meters

These are positioned so that primary meters are in the center with secondary meters appearing below and melees appearing above (except for scout drinks and melees, because they share the same file in the base game).

  • huditemeffectmeter_base_meters.res: Contains all of primary values that are then modified by the files below
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_meters_pos1.res: Melee weapon meters and some specific secondary weapons (scout) appear here
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_meters_pos2.res: Primary weapon meters appear here
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_meters_pos3.res: Secondary weapons and some specific melee weapons (scout) appear here

Item Counters

These are positioned based on how often you're likely to see the counter.

  • huditemeffectmeter_base_counters.res: Contains all of primary values that are then modified by the files below
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_counters_pos1.res: Killstreak counter
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_counters_pos2.res: Class-specific counters
  • huditemeffectmeter_base_counters_pos3.res: MvM canteen / other

Item Meter & Counter Positioning Where Meters & Counters Get Values From