HUD Troubleshooting - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki

budhud Updater Script

budhud includes a shell script (budhud Updater.ps1) in the base directory that will allow you to do a few different things:

  • Verify that your HUD installation is correct
  • Download/update the default HUD files
  • Download/install a fresh version of the HUD from GitHub
  • Set your HUD language
  • Compile the HUD's #base lines (which can improve performance in certain scenarios)

This can be used to check for the most common issues someone has when trying to install a HUD.


To open this file, you need to Right click the file and select Run with PowerShell.

If this does not work, you may need to change your execution policy. Searching for "execution policy" in Windows should bring you to the correct setting.



The source code for the PS script is here, in case you'd like to look over it:

The Engineer PDA shows the incorrect ammo cost for buildings

This is almost certainly due to one of your mods overwriting the metal cost file (e.g., smokeless explosions mod). You'd have to remove this mod to fix it.

I see a bunch of rectangles with question marks in them

This is due to an old font that was used to find hidden characters in bot names being installed on your PC, and acting as the primary font.

To fix this, navigate to budhud/resource/fonts/ and install the font-latosemibold-original.ttf font.

I can't find my Team Fortress 2 folder.

This can be found by using Steam.

Steam > Steam library > right click on Team Fortress 2 > Local Files > Browse...

This will take you to your TF2 install location.

My game crashes after launch.

Ensure that you moved the entire budhud-master folder, not just _budhud.

The budhud-master folder should contain the files and folder shown on the Github Page, including info.vdf.

I've installed the hud correctly, but only the menu background is working.

This is likely due to a TF2 update. When there are major TF2 updates, the ui_version in info.vdf needs to be incremented by 1. If this number does not match the default ui_version, the hud will not load (this was done by the TF team to help avoid huds causing crashes with major game updates).

I get the following error...


Ensure that all of the hud files & folders (materials, resource, scripts, info.vdf, etc) are in custom\budhud, NOT just your custom folder.

Your hud, along with every other hud I try, does not work.

Check to see if you have multiple TF2 installations. You may have TF2 on another drive, which may be causing issues.

I cannot see a player's health/name or ammo as medic (TargetIDs)

mastercomfig's "Very Low" preset disables some HUD elements. In console, set tf_hud_target_id_offset to 0 to fix.

My problem is not listed here.

Please feel free to post in the budhud Discord and someone will try to help you out!

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