Get Default Main Menu - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki


Default Main Menu

This explains how to get the default main menu in budhud.

Please note that this does not affect the backpack, shop, etc. The default menu will also still use the HUD's font; to change the font used specifically in the menus would require an immense amount of work. Also note that this is kind of a pain in the ass.

Unfortunately, this is still not a perfect solution, and there appear to be some issues that linger after changing this (end of match screen showing level, the medal looks big, etc). Because so many of these files are being removed, I can't really provide good help if you run into issues relating to them.


Delete, rename, or move the following files in budhud/resource:

  • gamemenu.res

Delete, rename, or move the following files in ..budhud/_budhud/resource/ui:

  • mainmenuoverride.res
  • mainmenuplaylistentry.res
  • hudmatchsummary.res
  • pvprankpanel.res
  • pvpcomprankpanel.res
  • All of the files starting with matchmaking
    • matchmakingcasualcriteria.res
    • matchmakingcategorymappanel.res
    • matchmakingcategorypanel.res
    • matchmakingdashboard.res
    • matchmakingdashboardcasualcriteria.res
    • matchmakingdashboardcomp.res
    • matchmakingdashboardcompaccess.res
    • matchmakingdashboardmvmcriteria.res
    • matchmakingdashboardmvmmodeselect.res
    • matchmakingdashboardplaylist.res
    • matchmakingdashboardpopup_newmatch.res
      • (Optional) - Casual/Competitive "match found" popup
    • matchmakingdashboardpopup_nextmapvoting.res
      • (Optional) - Casual/Competitive next map voting popup
    • matchmakingdashboardpopup_nextmapwinner.res
      • (Optional) - Casual/Competitive next map decided popup
    • matchmakingdashboardsidepanel.res
    • matchmakinggrouppanel.res
    • matchmakingpingpanel.res
    • matchmakingtooltip.res

Delete, rename, or move the following files in ..budhud/_budhud/resource/ui/econ:

  • genericnotificationtoast.res
  • genericnotificationtoastmainmenu.res
  • notificationspresentpanel.res
  • notificationtoastcontrol.res

If you'd also like the default TF2 menu backgrounds, do the following customization as well:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️