Closed Captions - rbjaxter/budhud GitHub Wiki


This HUD supports the display of closed captions to show various important information above your ammo.


Type closecaption 1 in console

If this doesn't work, try running exec bh_captions or bh_captions_competitive.

  • bh_captions_competitive displays all of the captions available
  • bh_captions displays only important captions
  • closecaption 0 in console will disable closed captions

Adjusting Closed Caption Font Size

To adjust the size of the captions, you will need to adjust the following tall values in budhud/_budhud/resource/clientscheme_lato.res:

  • CloseCaption_Normal
  • CloseCaption_Italic
  • CloseCaption_Bold
  • CloseCaption_BoldItalic
  • CloseCaption_Small only used for developer commentary closed captions

Credits: clovervidia