Admin Manage Connections - rbellamy/dbeaver GitHub Wiki

This guide describes how to manage/secure DBeaver database connections. It is designed for System administrators. Regular users should check this guide.

Provide predefined connections

DBeaver keeps information about project connections in file .dbeaver-data-sources.xml. You can find it in project folder (by default all projects reside in workspace, default workspace location is %HOMEPATH%\.dbeaver4 (or ${HOME}/.dbeaver4). Default project folder is %HOMEPATH%\.dbeaver4\General.

DBeaver can load multiple connection files. Any files in project folder matching .dbeaver-data-sources*.xml pattern will be loaded on startup. So you can create a file, say, .dbeaver-data-sources-2.xml in the project folder and DBeaver will see it.

Importing connections from CSV/XML

You can import connection from CSV or XML files.

CSV file must have a header row (first line of file) with column names (see list of supported columns below). XML file should contain top-level element and a set of nested elements. Connections config must be specified in attributes of nested elements. Attribute names are the same as CSV column names.

Supported names:

Name Meaning
name Connection name
host Database server host name
port Database server port
database Database/schema name
user User name
password User password
You can specify just URL or set host/port/etc setting.
User name/password are options.

Sample CSV

Postgre Import XML 1,localhost,5432,,postgres,jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres,postgres,postgres,dev
Postgre Import XML 2,localhost,5432,,postgres2,jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres2,postgres2,postgres2,prod

Sample XML

	<connection name="Postgre Import XML 1" host="localhost" port="5432" server="" database="postgres" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" user="postgres" password="postgres" type="dev"/>
	<connection name="Postgre Import XML 2" host="localhost" port="5432" server="" database="postgres" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres2" user="postgres2" password="postgres2" type="prod"/>

Secure connections from editing

It is possible to make connection settings read-only (protected by password)

  • Generate MD5 hash of your password. You can do it from command line using Linux utility md5sum (md5sum <<<"your password") or you can do it online - just google "MD5 hash online".
  • Add attribute lockPassword in connection descriptor (in .dbeaver-data-sources.xml file in <dataSource> tag. So it will look like this:
  name="Postgre - sample" 
  • Now if user will try to change connection settings he/she will be asked for password
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