raylib platforms and graphics - raysan5/raylib GitHub Wiki

raylib relies on OpenGL as its main graphic API. Depending on the platform, raylib uses different versions of OpenGL by default, but it's possible to configure the desired OpenGL API backend on library compilation; just select the appropriate #define when compiling the rlgl module.

All OpenGL API calls are contained in the rlgl module. This module works as a layer to the underlying graphic API. The selected OpenGL version can be configured in this module using #defines at compile time.

Here is a table with the different OpenGL configurations supported by raylib on the different platforms:

PLATFORM Flag Platform/OS OpenGL version Notes
PLATFORM_DESKTOP Windows OpenGL 1.1 OpenGL 2.1 OpenGL 3.3 Multiple Windows desktop versions supported: XP, 7, 8, 10
PLATFORM_DESKTOP Linux OpenGL 1.1 OpenGL 2.1 OpenGL 3.3 Multiple distros supported: Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, Arch...
PLATFORM_DESKTOP macOS OpenGL 1.1 OpenGL 2.1 OpenGL 3.3 Any version that supports at least OpenGL 1.1
PLATFORM_ANDROID Android OpenGL ES 2.0 Supported from API level 16 (JellyBean 4.1.x)
PLATFORM_UWP Windows UWP OpenGL ES 2.0 Supports any UWP device (Desktop App, Phones, Xbox One...). Runs over Direct3D 11 using ANGLE emulation layer.
PLATFORM_RPI Raspbian (native) OpenGL ES 2.0 Runs graphics natively on console, no X11 windowing/inputs system required.
PLATFORM_RPI Raspbian (X11 desktop) OpenGL 1.1 OpenGL 2.1 Runs on X11 desktop, requires VC4 OpenGL driver enabled.
PLATFORM_WEB HTML5 (browser) WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0) OpenGL ES 2.0 transformed to WebGL 1.0 on compilation (using emscripten SDK), no emulation layer, only pure WebGL 1.0 translation.

Additional graphic backends (not supported by default):

PLATFORM Flag Platform/OS OpenGL version Notes
PLATFORM_DESKTOP Windows OpenGL ES 2.0 Support through two possible ways: - WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile extension - ANGLE project
PLATFORM_DESKTOP Linux OpenGL ES 2.0 Support through: - GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile extension
PLATFORM_ANDROID Android OpenGL ES 3.0 Check Android support here.
PLATFORM_WEB HTML5 (browser) WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0) OpenGL ES 3.0 transformed to WebGL 2.0 on compilation (using emscripten SDK).

Please let me know if you require one of those backends to be implemented.

Additionally, I'm planning a new graphics backend: a simple 2D software renderer. I think it could be useful on some embedded platforms... still on design phase.