raylib integration with other libraries - raysan5/raylib GitHub Wiki
raylib can be used with other engines/libraries/tools for extended features. Here it is a list of integrations:
- raylib + sokol_app -> rayfork
- raylib + Tiled -> raylib_tiled_import_with_tmx, libtmx docs
- raylib + Nuklear -> raylib-nuklear, 3d-gui-with-raylib
- raylib + Dear ImGui
- raylib-extras rlImGui(4.0) For Current Github Raylib
- raylib-extras rlImGui-cs(3.7) For Current Github Raylib-cs
- raylibExtras rlImGui(3.7+) For Raylib v3.7
- raylib-cimgui
- raylib + Gtk3 -> gtk-raylib
- raylib + Spine -> spine-raylib
- raylib + Unity -> using-raylib-dll-in-unity
- raylib + Assimp -> raylib-3D
- raylib + physics/maths -> ProfJski Examples
- raylib + enet -> NetDynamics
- raylib + nbnet -> nbnet example
- raylib + ECS -> Using raylib with an ECS
- raylib + Entitas Lite (ECS) -> mmGame-Engine
- raylib + mpeg1 -> textures_video_playing.c.txt, c99-raylib-vide-player
- raylib + libmpeg2 -> article + code
- raylib + pyTorch C++ -> TorchRayLib
- raylib + ProceduralGen -> ProcGen
- raygui + tigr -> raygui-tigr
Please, feel free to update this list with new additions!