Working for Android (on macOS) - raysan5/raylib GitHub Wiki
It's helpful to know step by step what each part of the process is doing. For this, let's create a simple bash script, where each line can be run manually and the results can be seen. This should be useful for understanding the process on Linux as well.
This is simple as in we're just using shell commands, no cmake, no builders of any kind.
Note: project.c is copied from raylib/templates/simple_game/simple_game.c
/toolchain_arm_api28 put android_toolchain_arm_api28 here
/raylib put raylib here
Note: This is likely not necessary.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">My App</string>
Note: My project is named "project" and the namespace is named "seth"
package com.seth.project;
public class NativeLoader extends {
static {
System.loadLibrary("project"); // must match name of shared library (in this case
Note: "package" is the unique name of your project, this will overwrite apps with the same name
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package='com.seth.project' android:versionCode='0'
android:versionName='0' >
<activity android:name="com.seth.project.NativeLoader"
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="project"/>
<category android:name='android.intent.category.LAUNCHER'/>
<action android:name='android.intent.action.MAIN'/>
cp Copy libs from raylib to lib
gcc Gen native_app_glue.o from raylib
ar rcs Gen obj/libnative_app_glue.a from native_app_glue.o
gcc Gen project.o from project.c
gcc Gen lib/ from obj/project.o
aapt package Gen
javac Gen classes from and
dx Gen classes.dex from objects
aapt package Gen project.unsigned.apk
aapt add Add shared library to project.unsigned.apk
keytool Generate keystore
jarsigner Gen project.signed.apk
zipalign Align project
adb install Install project
adb logcat view log
Install ndk-bundle using Android Studio. Install this in t
~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/build/tools/ --arch=arm --platform=android-28 --install-dir=./toolchain_arm_api28
Compile raylib into ./raylib
Add these files to path so you won't have a big headache later on
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/Users/watchmyfeet/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/build-tools/27.0.3/:$PATH"
export PATH="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools:$PATH"
export PATH="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platform-tools:$PATH"
Note: Keytool is in java folder on system
cd project1
mkdir lib/armeabi-v7a
cp ../raylib/src/libraylib.a lib/armeabi-v7a/libraylib.a
keytool -genkeypair -validity 1000 -dname "CN=seth,O=Android,C=ES" -keystore project.keystore -storepass 'mypass' -keypass 'mypass' -alias projectKey -keyalg RSA
Note: Here's step by step commands which lead to the installation of your project!
../toolchain_arm_api28/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -c ../raylib/src/external/android/native_app_glue/android_native_app_glue.c -o obj/native_app_glue.o -std=c99 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -fPIC -Wall -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -no-canonical-prefixes -DANDROID -DPLATFORM_ANDROID -D__ANDROID_API__=28
# Requires: folder setup
# Creates: obj/native_app_glue.o
# Note: This gcc uses other tools in the same toolchain folder structure, don't even thing about symlinking to it.
../toolchain_arm_api28/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar rcs obj/libnative_app_glue.a obj/native_app_glue.o
# Requires: obj/native_app_glue.o
# Creates: obj/libnative_app_glue.a
../toolchain_arm_api28/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -c project.c -o obj/project.o -I. -I../raylib/src -I../raylib/src/external/android/native_app_glue -std=c99 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -fPIC -Wall -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -no-canonical-prefixes -DANDROID -DPLATFORM_ANDROID -D__ANDROID_API__=28 --sysroot=../toolchain_arm_api28/sysroot
# Requires: project.c
# Creates: obj/project.o
../toolchain_arm_api28/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -o lib/armeabi-v7a/ obj/project.o -shared -I. -I../raylib/src -I../raylib/src/external/android/native_app_glue -Wl,-soname, -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -u ANativeActivity_onCreate -L. -Lobj -Llib/armeabi-v7a -lraylib -lnative_app_glue -llog -landroid -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lOpenSLES -latomic -lc -lm -ldl
# Requires: obj/project.o
# Creates: lib/armeabi-v7a/
aapt package -f -m -S res -J src -M AndroidManifest.xml -I ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/android-28/android.jar
# Requires: AndroidManifest.xml, res/
# Creates: src/com/seth/project/
javac -verbose -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -d obj -bootclasspath `/usr/libexec/java_home`/jre/lib/rt.jar -classpath ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/android-28/android.jar:obj -sourcepath src src/com/seth/project/ src/com/seth/project/
# Requires: src/com/seth/project/, src/com/seth/project/
# Creates: obj/com/seth/project/NativeLoader.class ... R&attr.class R$string.class R.class
dx --verbose --dex --output=dex/classes.dex obj
# Requires: obj/com/seth/project/NativeLoader.class ... R&attr.class R$string.class R.class
# Creates: dex/classes.dex
aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -A assets -I ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/android-28/android.jar -F project.unsigned.apk dex
# Creates: project.unsigned.apk
# Note: The "dex" at the end is the directory the classes.dex file is in! This folder can not contain the manifest file for whatever reason.
aapt add project.unsigned.apk lib/armeabi-v7a/
# Does: Adds shared library to apk
jarsigner -keystore project.keystore -storepass mypass -keypass mypass -signedjar project.signed.apk project.unsigned.apk projectKey
# Does: Signs
zipalign -f 4 project.signed.apk project.apk
# Does: Aligns
adb install -r project.apk
# Does: install
You'll get this if your shared library's name does not match across the build. In my case, I was referencing projectlibrary in the java file where it should have just been "project"
This one was tricky! Make sure the platform of the standalone toolchain you build matches the platform you are using on your system. --arch=arm --platform=android-28 --install-dir=./toolchain_arm_api28
This command may also help.
adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
This one was easier. The Apk generated must contain classes/classes.dex. If it doesn't, check aapt package -f -M to make sure you are including the folder dex is in at the end of it.
In the event of a segfault, don't despair! You can get the entire backtrace using adb logcat.
adb logcat "libc:*" "DEBUG:*" "*:S"
This gives you everything tagged with libc or DEBUG. "*:S" is there to Silence all other stuff.
Now, you may see a message that says "Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0"
In that case you have to set this to 1.
In your c code, dd this include statement, and the prctl command somewhere early on in your main():
#include <sys/prctl.h>
prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);
Here's a more robust logcat command:
adb logcat "threaded_app:*" "raylib:*" "libc:*" "DEBUG:*" "InputDispatcher:*" "JavaBinder:*" "WindowState:*" "Eve:*" "ViewRootImpl:*" "*:S"
Or be brave and try to find the important tags yourself:
adb logcat "*:*"