Extension Properties And Tasks - ravipal/vscode-docker GitHub Wiki

Docker Tasks

Starting with version version 0.9.0, the Docker extension adds several Visual Studio Code tasks. These tasks can be used to control the behavior of Docker build and run, and form the basis of container startup for debugging.

The tasks allow for a great deal of configuration. Generally speaking, the ultimate configuration that is used is a combination of universal defaults, platform-specific defaults (e.g. .NET Core and Node.js), and user input. As a rule we respect user input as authoritative anytime it conflicts with defaults, even if it results in debugging not working. Our philosophy is that the user knows best.

Docker Build Task

The docker-build task builds Docker images using the Docker command line (CLI). The task can be used by itself, or as part of a chain of tasks to run and/or debug an application within a Docker container.

The most important configuration settings for the docker-build task are dockerBuild and platform:

  • The dockerBuild object specifies parameters for the Docker build command. Values specified by this object are applied directly to Docker build CLI invocation.
  • The platform property is a hint that changes how the docker-build task determines Docker build defaults.

See property reference for full list of all task properties.

Platform Support

While the docker-build task can be used to build any Docker image, the extension has explicit support (and simplified configuration) for .NET Core and Node.js.

.NET Core

Minimal configuration using defaults

When building .NET Core-based Docker image, one can omit the platform property and just set the netCore object (platform is implicitly set to netcore when netCore object is present). Note that appProject is a required property:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Build Node Image",
            "type": "docker-build",
            "netCore": {
                "appProject": "${workspaceFolder}/project.csproj"

Platform defaults

For .NET Core-based images, the docker-build task infers the following options:

Property Inferred Value
dockerBuild.context The root workspace folder.
dockerBuild.dockerfile The file Dockerfile in the root workspace folder.
dockerBuild.tag The base name of the root workspace folder.


Minimal configuration using defaults

A Node.js based Docker image with no specific platform options can just set the platform property to node:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Build Node Image",
            "type": "docker-build",
            "platform": "node"

Platform defaults

For Node.js Docker images, the docker-build task infers the following options:

Property Inferred Value
dockerBuild.context The same directory in which the package.json resides.
dockerBuild.dockerfile The file Dockerfile in the same directory as the package.json resides.
dockerBuild.tag The application's name property in package.json (if defined), else the base name of the folder in which package.json resides.

Build Task Reference

Here are all properties available for configuring docker-build task. All properties are optional unless indicated otherwise.

Property Description
dockerBuild Options for controlling the docker build command executed (see below).
Required unless platform is set.
platform Determines the platform: .NET Core (netcore) or Node.js (node) and default settings for docker build command.
netCore Determines options specific for .NET Core projects, (see below).
node Determines options specific for Node.js projects (see below).

dockerBuild object properties:

Property Description docker build CLI Equivalent
context The path to the Docker build context.
Required, unless inferred from the platform.
dockerfile The path to the Dockerfile.
Required, unless inferred from the platform.
-f or --file
tag The tag applied to the Docker image.
Required, unless inferred from the platform.
-t or --tag
buildArgs Build arguments applied to the command line. This is a list of key-value pairs. --build-arg
labels Labels added to the Docker image. This is a list of key-value pairs.
In addition to labels specified here, a label com.microsoft.created-by, set to visual-studio-code is added to the image. This behavior can be turned off by setting includeDefaults extension property to false.
target The target in the Dockerfile to build to. --target
pull Whether or not to pull new base images before building. --pull

netCore object properties (docker-build task)

Property Description
appProject The .NET Core project file (.csproj, .fsproj, etc.) associated with the Dockerfile and docker-build task.
Required always.

node object properties (docker-build task)

Property Description Default
package The path to the package.json file associated with the Dockerfile and docker-build task. The file package.json in the root workspace folder.

Docker Run Task

The docker-run task runs (i.e. creates/starts) a Docker container using the Docker command line (CLI). The task can be used by itself, or as part of a chain of tasks to debug an application within a Docker container.

The most important configuration settings for the docker-run task are dockerRun and platform:

  • The dockerRun object specifies parameters for the Docker run command. Values specified by this object are applied directly to Docker run CLI invocation.
  • The platform property is a hint that changes how the docker-run task determines Docker run defaults.

See property reference for full list of all task properties.

Platform Support

While the docker-run task can be used to run any Docker image, the extension has explicit support (and simplified configuration) for .NET Core and Node.js.

.NET Core

Minimal configuration using defaults

When building .NET Core-based Docker image, one can omit the platform property and just set the netCore object (platform is implicitly set to netcore when netCore object is present). Note that appProject is a required property:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Run .NET Core Image",
            "type": "docker-run",
            "netCore": {
                "appProject": "${workspaceFolder}/project.csproj"

Platform defaults

For .NET Core-based images, the docker-run task infers the following options:

Property Inferred Value
dockerRun.containerName Derived from the base name of the root workspace folder.
dockerRun.env Adds the following environment variables as required: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT, ASPNETCORE_URLS, and DOTNET_USE_POLLING_FILE_WATCHER.
dockerRun.image The tag from a dependent docker-build task (if one exists) or derived from the base name of the root workspace folder.
dockerRun.os Linux
dockerRun.volumes Adds the following volumes as required: the local application folder, the source folder, the debugger folder, the NuGet package folder, and NuGet fallback folder.


Minimal configuration using defaults

A Node.js based Docker image with no specific platform options can just set the platform property to node.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Run Node Image",
            "node": "docker-run",
            "platform": "node"

Platform defaults

For Node.js-based Docker images, the docker-run task infers the following options:

Property Inferred Value
dockerRun.command Generated from the npm start script in the package.json (if it exists), else generated from the main property in the package.json.
dockerRun.containerName Derived from the application package name.
dockerRun.image The tag from a dependent docker-build task (if one exists) or derived from the application package name, itself derived from the name property within package.json or the base name of the folder in which it resides.

Run Task Reference

Here are all properties available for configuring docker-run task. All properties are optional unless indicated otherwise.

Property Description
dockerRun Options for controlling the docker run command executed (see below).
Required unless platform is set.
platform Determines the platform: .NET Core (netcore) or Node.js (node) and default settings for docker run command.
netCore For .NET Core projects, this controls various options (see below).
node For Node.js projects, this controls various options (see below).

dockerRun object properties:

Property Description CLI Equivalent
image The name (tag) of the image to run.
Required unless inferred from the platform.
command The command to run upon starting the container.
Required, unless inferred from the platform.
containerName The name given to the started container.
Required, unless inferred from the platform.
env Environment variables set in the container. This is a list of key-value pairs. -e or --env
envFiles This is a list of .env files. --env-file
labels Labels given to the started container. This is a list of key-value pairs. --label
network The name of the network to which the container will be connected. --network
networkAlias The network-scoped alias for the started container. --network-alias
os Default is Linux, the other option is Windows. The container operating system used. N/A
ports The ports to publish (i.e. map) from container to host. This is a list of objects (see below). -p or --publish
portsPublishAll Whether to publish all ports exposed by the Docker image. Defaults to true if no ports are specifically published. -P
extraHosts The hosts to add to the container for DNS resolution. This is a list of objects (see below). --add-host
volumes The volumes to map into the started container. This is a list of objects (see below). -v or --volume

ports object properties:

Property Description Default
containerPort The port number bound on the container.
hostPort The port number bound on the host. (randomly selected by Docker)
protocol The protocol for the binding (tcp or udp). tcp

extraHosts object properties:

Property Description
hostname The hostname for DNS resolution.
ip The IP address associated with the above hostname.

volumes object properties:

Property Description Default
localPath The path on the local machine that will be mapped.
containerPath The path in the container to which the local path will be mapped.
permissions Permissions the container has on the mapped path. Can be ro (read-only) or rw (read-write). Container dependent.

netCore object properties (docker-run task)

Property Description
appProject The .NET Core project file (.csproj, .fsproj, etc.) associated with docker-run task.
configureSsl Whether to configure ASP.NET Core SSL certificates and other settings to enable SSL on the service in the container.
enableDebugging Whether to enable the started container for debugging. This will infer additional volume mappings and other options necessary for debugging.

node object properties (docker-run task)

Property Description Default
package The path to the package.json file associated with the docker-run task. The file package.json in the root workspace folder.
enableDebugging Whether or not to enable debugging within the container. false
inspectMode Defines the initial interaction between the application and the debugger (default or break).
The value default allows the application to run until the debugger attaches.
The value break prevents the application from running until the debugger attaches.
inspectPort The port on which debugging should occur. 9229
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