Lab Assignment 1 - rashmitripathi/Big_Data_Analytics_And_Apps GitHub Wiki
Problem Set-1
Write a pseudocode for the Odd ## Man Out problem of the Problem Set 1 (PS-1)
Pseudocode :
Input: Given an unsorted array of Integers array[0..n-1]
function OddManOut(array,n)
result = array[0]
for i = 1 to array.length
result = result ^ array[i]
return result
Output: result
The result variable contains the value which is Odd from the given list of array.
2) Create GitHub Account. Create a repository in remote Github. Clone it to local machine.
Create 2 (Source and Documentation) directories in local github.
Put the document with the pseudo code of question (1) under documentation directory in the local windows Github
and sync it to remote Github.
Initial Cloning from remote to local
Syncing local to remote
Using Git Commands
3) Create ZenHub Tool Account. Create a board, 3 iterations, at least 5 tasks and show the analytics graph.
Created three interations:
Created board with five tasks:
Analytics/burndown chart: